Ash Wednesday is 5 March this year. It is a day of fasting and abstinence. It is also the day we start project Compassion.
Project Compassion is a way to raise funds for Caritas which is the worldwide agency that supports those in need.
As much as we consider donating money, it is the moving of our hearts which is at the centre of the campaign.
In Religious Education classes and our social justice group teachers and students have activities that will deepen our understanding of Lent and Project Compassion.
In future editions of Lumina I will share examples of our efforts.
As an EREA school we have a touchstone that leads us to an understanding of spirituality that comes from the Gospels. In John’s Gospel we are told that Jesus came so we can have life and have it to the full. He does not say some can have this life. We are called to make this a reality of all people.
This is our challenge this Lent.