Principal's Report

There is a warmth to the St Mary’s welcome that deserves to be acknowledged and appreciated.

End of Semester One

As this is the last edition of Lumina before we head into the end of semester break, I would like to offer my thanks to all who have made the first six months of this year so productive and rewarding. There is a warmth to the St Mary’s welcome that deserves to be acknowledged and appreciated. I have found our young people to be both interesting and interested in my wellbeing. A number have asked me whether I am enjoying my time at OUR school, an enquiry that not only displays empathy, but pride in their school. With our media strongly locked on a narrative of teenagers as anti-social and dangerous at present, I am proud to be an educator in a community of young people who are kind, compassionate and keen to be of help. Thank you for your good parenting! I look forward to a very exciting Semester 2 as some of our grand plans will finally come to fruition.

School Improvement Plan

We are sharing each of the priorities of our School Improvement Plan in Lumina and in this edition, it is our second of four:

SIP Priority 2 – High Expectations

Goal: We have high expectations of our students and of each other.

Intended Outcomes:

1. Teaching staff collaborate in the knowledge that they can positively influence the learning outcomes of students.

2. Parents and carers engage with St Mary’s staff in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation.

3. Students actively contribute to a culture of high expectations in learning, co-curricular activities, and the development of positive relationships.

4. The restorative practices and behaviour formation framework is widely practised to make St Mary’s a place in which all members of the community feel safe and supported.

Working Bee – ERC relocation stage 1

We extend an invitation to members of our parent and carer community to join us for a working bee on Wednesday July 3 and Thursday July 4 between 9am and 3pm. We will save a significant amount of money be decluttering the Edmund Rice and Presentation Campuses with volunteer labour ahead of our shift in September. It is also an opportunity to contribute in a very practical way to the College. Older children are also welcome to attend as volunteers, but please note that there will not be any child-minding facilities and lunch will be provided each day. Please register that you will be able to attend by emailing our Director of Development Mr David Formosa - Thank you in advance.

Parents and Friends thanks

A huge vote of thanks to our dedicated P&F who have committed the funds to replacing the PA system in Logue Hall. As a result, I’m pleased to report that we intend to have the sound system replaced during the upcoming holiday break. This is a much-needed improvement that will benefit all members of our community. I ask that you continue to support our P&F, especially through participating in the upcoming “80s vs 90s” Trivia Night on Saturday 27 July 2024. Not only will it be great fun, but the proceeds will go towards the target of updating our college bus.

College Production

Congratulations to Brendan Tollit, Louisa Lawless, cast and crew on the excellent school production of Little Shop of Horrors that we have been able to enjoy this week. A huge amount of time is committed to staging a school production and I extend my thanks to all who have worked to create this amazing opportunity for our young performers.

Uniform Changes

Following feedback from some of our students and parents, we have been reviewing three items of the girls uniform over recent weeks. We have been looking at the girls’ summer dress, winter pants and sports shorts with our supplier, Midford, and I’d especially like to thank the students who have been involved in this consultation. In coming weeks, the new items will arrive in the shop, and we will inform you of their availability. As the girl’s summer dress is a complete change of fabric, we will offer a free exchange to any families who have purchased the current chambray style. I will be communicating with all families early next term regarding uniform expectations and the full phasing out of all CBC and PCW uniform items ahead of recommencement in 2025.

Semester 2

School resumes on Tuesday July 16 for students. July 15 is a professional learning day for staff.

Darren Atkinson
College Principal

Deputy Principal's Report

The brilliance of our cast and musicians, is an admirable quality.

A Well Earned Break 

I am pleased to write to you this week to communicate my experiences in administering the Year 10 and Year 11 exams in recent weeks and the GAT this week. Our students were called to complete their exams in a new space, with many students encountering exams or exams of this size and formality for the first time. I thank all the staff involved in running the exams, and to every student, for taking the opportunity to dress for success, and display their learning so well in such a formal setting.

I am also grateful for a wonderful evening at the Year 12 formal last Thursday. Our students and their guests looked an ‘undefined’ percentage better in their suits and dresses than we experience most mornings at school, though I won’t labour that point too much. Congratulations to all involved in putting the evening together.

There will be many things written in this newsletter, and perhaps more in the next, about the college musical. I have been fortunate to see some of the development of the cast and musicians through rehearsals. They are now a very confident group of artists, and we are very proud of them. However, I would also like to shine a light on all those involved in ‘helping’, as often less recognition comes their way. Volunteers, such as those selling the snacks, the backstage crew and the staff all end up giving far more of their energy than they could have expected. This effort, as well as the brilliance of our cast and musicians, is an admirable quality that is school is blessed to have, and I thank each of you.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Director of Identity People and Culture

We gathered in the Presentation Hall to recognise Reconciliation Week.


We gathered in the Presentation Hall to recognise Reconciliation week on Monday 27 May. We recalled that in 1968 anthropologist W. E. H. Stanner talked in his Boyer lecture After the Dreaming about the “cult of forgetfulness” practiced on a national scale in Australia, which he termed “the Great Australian Silence”- where Australians do not just fail to acknowledge the atrocities of the past, but choose to not think about them at all, to the point of forgetting that these events ever happened.

Indigenous Australians crafted the Uluru statement from the Heart in 2017 as a petition to the people of Australia, written and endorsed by the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders.

The statement asked for three things.

One was a voice to parliament.

Another was truth telling.

Lastly there was a treaty.

We all know that last year we had a referendum on the voice to parliament. It failed comprehensively.

We all know that treaties are agreements between governments or nations. We are not a government or a nation.

We are left at St Mary’s with truth telling.

With the failure of the referendum this year, is there a public desire for truth telling?

Have we moved from the great Australian silence of 1968 to the great Australian yawn of 2024?

Do we care for the truth or shrug our shoulders and let it go.

Is there energy, passion and desire for the truth to be told as asked for in the Uluru statement from the heart?

Are we willing to face our past so we can build a future together?

In recent years small groups of St Mary’s people have travelled to Lake Mungo in southern New South Wales. Welcomed to country by traditional elders and involved in the stories of the land by Indigenous activists.

We walked through the dunes of ancient lakes, now dry and watched the sun rise and set. We were close the burial sites of Mungo man and Mungo woman. The discoveries in 1968 and 1974 of the buried remains of people scientifically dated to approximately 40,000 years ago rewrote the history of our species, homo sapiens.

It challenged the great Australian silence.

The Indigenous people of this land are an ancient people and a people with us today.

We can stay silent, we can shrug, but from the distant past they reach out.

Sitting high up on the banks of Lake Mungo, activist Vicki Clark invited us to watch the sun rise over the dunes as she used the clap sticks.

We had made clap sticks on the banks of the Murray River with Indigenous elders.

In the silence broken only by the rhythm of the clap sticks and the whispering of the wind, from the murmur of voices long past the truth comes to us.

Walkathon Liturgy

At the end of the same week we had a Liturgy, also in Presentation Hall. This Liturgy is the start of our actions to make solidarity a reality in our community.

We pause for public worship before we walk. We open our hearts to those who suffer before we send an EFT to the account holding our funds.

Staff member Sal Lima shared his reflections as a past student of CBC of the walkathon in 1970.

We had the Gospel reading of the rich man.

Staff member Paul Vassiliou shared his reflections on the passage and what it says to us today. This followed students reading about the world in which the Gospel was written and the text of the passage itself.

How this related to our community in St Kilda and our need to pray given this relationship was our experience.

Year 9 Retreat

All of Year 9 met at St Patrick’s Cathedral on 30 June for a retreat led by our staff. Students visited the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, Mary Glowrie Museum and a tour of the grounds and buildings at St Patrick’s.

We shared lunch in the grounds of the Cathedral. We participate in the 1.00 pm Liturgy.

Many students lit candles for deceased relatives and for a range of things of meaning for them.

Of particular interest was the change in light inside the building as the sun went behind clouds.

The retreat was a day of peacefulness, calm and stillness. It was also time of shared time together and learning about two women of extraordinary faith and commitment.

Paul Quinn
Director of Identity, People and Culture


At St Mary's College, Commendations are given to students who show outstanding academic performance, leadership, and community involvement.


At St Mary's College, Commendations are given to students who show outstanding academic performance, leadership, and community involvement.

These awards recognise and celebrate their hard work and dedication. Commendations motivate students to continue doing their best and inspire others to follow their example.

This practice helps create a positive and encouraging school environment, highlighting the College’s commitment to nurturing successful and well-rounded individuals.

Throughout Semester 1, we have been encouraging staff to award our most outstanding students for their hard work and commitment to the College.

The criteria for receiving a commendation include the following:

  • Achieved an outstanding assessment result
  • Assisted the College in an activity/ event
  • Consistently wearing the College uniform well
  • Consistently worked hard in class
  • Contributed positively to groupwork
  • Demonstrated care/ consideration for others
  • Increased application in a subject
  • Lead by example when around peers
  • Mandela Awards – Social Justice
  • Represented the school with distinction
  • Set a good example to classmates
  • Used teacher feedback for improvement
  • Was courageous in a difficult situation

Once students receive a series of commendations, they are eligible for the following awards:

Bronze: 5 commendations

Silver: 10 commendations

Gold: 15 commendations

We are looking forward to celebrating and presenting Semester 1 awards during our forthcoming Community Meetings.

Jen Howard
Director of Students 

Celebrating First Semester Achievements and Looking Ahead

Your perseverance and commitment to these exams have not gone unnoticed.

Celebrating First Semester Achievements and Looking Ahead

As we conclude the first semester of the 2024 academic year, I want to extend my sincere congratulations to all our students and teachers for their hard work so far. A special acknowledgment goes to our Year 10 and Unit 1 students for their recent efforts during the semester exams held in our new exam location at St. Mary's Parish Hall. Your perseverance and commitment to these exams have not gone unnoticed.

We are pleased to announce that semester reports will be released prior to the end of the term. These reports are more than just a summary of grades—they are also reflections of each student’s progress, strengths, and areas for improvement.

As you receive these reports, I encourage families, students, and the wider St. Mary's College community to focus not only on the grades but also on the invaluable feedback from our dedicated teachers. One key form of this feedback is found in our Student Performance Indicators (SPI), which assess various attributes essential for academic and personal success. Here are some insights on the importance of the indicators and how they relate to the values underpinned by our Catholic tradition:

Organisational Skills:

St. Ignatius of Loyola said, "Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God."

Students who excel in organisational skills demonstrate diligence and responsibility by effectively preparing for learning, managing their workload, and employing strategies to support their studies. These students embody the gospel value of stewardship, showcasing their ability to manage tasks effectively to achieve success.


St. Francis de Sales once advised, "Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself."

Students who master self-regulation exhibit the ability to manage their behaviour, regulate emotions, and maintain personal well-being. This self-discipline and resilience are crucial for personal, as well as academic growth. At St. Mary's College, fostering these skills aligns with the gospel values of self-control and inner peace, contributing to a balanced and liberating education.


St. Benedict XI proclaimed, "You were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness."

    Motivated students show a deep engagement with learning, actively participate in class activities, and continually strive to improve their academic performance. By cultivating a passion for learning and setting personal goals, these students reflect our college’s value of passion for excellence and the gospel value of joy. They inspire us all to pursue our interests and achieve our fullest potential.

    Collaboration with Teachers and Peers:

    St. Teresa of Calcutta reminded us, "We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."

    Students who excel in collaboration respond well to feedback, seek assistance, and contribute positively to the learning environment. Their ability to work effectively with others is essential for personal and communal growth, reflecting our commitment to community and the gospel values of compassion and cooperation. At St. Mary's College, we strive to create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive together.

    As well as achieving good grades, success is about developing the skills, habits, and mindset that will serve us well throughout life. At St. Mary's College, we are committed to supporting this journey and acknowledging those who strive for growth in small ways or large. Together, let’s strive for continuous improvement and embrace the challenges ahead with resilience and hope.

    Warm regards,

    Daniel Di Lisio
    Director of Learning and Teaching


    Working bee on Wednesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 4.

    Invitation to Join Our Working Bee

    We invite all parents and carers to join us for a working bee on Wednesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 4, between 9am and 3pm. With your help, we can save a significant amount of money by decluttering the Edmund Rice and Presentation Campuses ahead of our move in September. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the College in a practical way.

    Older children are welcome to attend as volunteers, but please note that there will not be any child-minding facilities. 

    Jobs that May Need to Be Done:

    • Organising and sorting through storage areas
    • Moving furniture and equipment
    • Cleaning and tidying classrooms and common areas

    Lunch will be provided by the College.

    If you have access to or know someone who has access to a Bobcat (to fill a skip) or a van, tray truck or ute, we would be extremely grateful as we will need to transport furniture from the Presentation Campus to the Edmund Rice Campus. 

    Gloves and masks are recommended. We will have a limited supply at the College.

    Please register your attendance by emailing our Director of Development, Mr. David Formosa, at

    Thank you in advance for your support and contribution!

    David Formosa
    Director of Development


    Last night, our senior musical opened to a full audience.


    Last night, our senior musical opened to a full audience who laughed, cried and cheered the entire company who performed an incredible show.

    A special congratulations to the cast, crew and band who are in Year 12 and had to juggle a Formal, the GAT and various SAC’s as well as a packed week of rehearsals and shows:

    Nick Aiton
    Geremy Baxas
    Tabitha Catalan
    Alexander DeJong
    Noah Douglas
    Audrey Guevarra
    Allanah Hager
    Marcus Kruger
    Maya Morabito
    Adam Tran

    I would also like to pass on my thanks to our wonderful musicians led by Mrs Louisa Lawless. Having a school production that is accompanied by live music is amazing. Just more of the wonderful things we are doing in the Performing Arts at St Mary's College.

    Tickets still available for the three remaining shows! Don’t miss out on what will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the funkiest (and bloodiest) St Mary’s College musicals ever!


    Brendan Tollit

    Computational and Algorithmic Thinking

    The CAT contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators.

    Computational and Algorithmic Thinking

    The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition is run by the Australian Maths Trust. The CAT gives students the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills through algorithmic thinking. The competition incorporates unique ‘three-stage tasks’ that encourage students to develop informal algorithms and apply them to test data of increasing size or complexity.

    CAT requires no programming experience. It can be used to develop students’ interest and potential in computer programming.

    The CAT contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators, academics and industry experts to challenge and extend students’ problem-solving skills.

    Congratulations to the following students who undertook the CAT earlier this term:

    Distinction Awards:

    • Eddie Lloyd Smith Year 9
    • Dylan Collett Year 10

    Credit Awards:

    • Tyler Nguyen Year 7
    • Alexander Scouthern Year 7
    • Georgia Spyropoulos Year 7
    • Sofia Bautista Year 8
    • Jack Prentice-Evans Year 10
    • Will Morrow Year 9

    Participation Awards

    • Sascha Fantini Year 7
    • Edi Lehocz Year 7
    • Ojiro Sato Year 8
    • Abi Scroggie Year 8
    • Hamish Beard Year10
    • Hugo Boddington Year 10
    • Dakira Nguyen Year 10

    Cathryn Quigley
    Learning Leader Mathematics

    Pearls of Wisdom

    It is as modern and relevant as the day it was written in 1999!

    Pearls of Wisdom

    Whiles culling paperwork this week, I found this amazing historical document – the wonderful Pat Browne’s Pearls of Wisdom on the subject of Effective Study. I would like to share this with our families, as it is as modern and relevant as the day it was written in 1999! 

    If students could just slow down a little and take these tips on board, they would be assured of success.

    Mandy Ellwood
    Careers Counsellor

    Success on the Football Field

    Congratulations to our incredible AFLW teams for taking home both the Junior and Senior CGSAV Div 4 trophies!

    Success on the Football Field

    Congratulations to our incredible AFLW teams for taking home both the Junior and Senior CGSAV Div 4 trophies!

    Seniors Grand Final Victory:

    St Mary's College 3-3-21 defeated St Aloysius 2-0-12

    Juniors Grand Final Victory:

    St Mary's College 6-4-34 defeated Mercy College 1-2-8

    Well done to all the players for their hard work and dedication! We're so proud of you! 

    Congratulations to Olivia Adam who was MVP in the Junior Grand Final and Agatha Mathieson was MVP for the Junior Round Robin Games.

    Dean Bird
    Director of Sport

    80s vs 90s Trivia Night

    Get ready to step back in time and put your trivia skills to the test at the St Mary's College 80s vs 90s Trivia Night!

    80s vs 90s Trivia Night

    Get ready to step back in time and put your trivia skills to the test at the St Mary's College 80s vs 90s Trivia Night! This exciting event, organised by the dedicated Parents and Friends group, is set to be a major fundraiser for our new College Bus. Mark your calendars for Saturday, 27 July 2024 and join us for a night of fun, music, and nostalgia.

    The evening promises to be filled with live music, dancing, raffles, and fantastic prizes. It's a perfect opportunity to gather with friends, show off your knowledge of the 80s and 90s, and support a great cause.


    • When: Saturday, 27 July @ 7:00pm
    • Where: Logue Hall, 11 Westbury St, East St Kilda (enter via Gate C)
    • Cost: $30 per person or $250 for a table of 10
    • BYO Food – Drinks available at bar prices

    Tickets are available now, so don't miss out on this incredible event. Whether you're an 80s aficionado or a 90s enthusiast, there's something for everyone. Scan the QR code to book your tickets or CLICK HERE and secure your spot.

    Let's make this a night to remember and help raise the necessary funds for our new College Bus. See you there!

    PCW Past Pupils Open Day

    The doors will be opened for past pupils of Presentation College Windsor.

    Presentation College Windsor Open Day

    The doors will be opened for past pupils of Presentation College Windsor.

    Please share these details with past students you may know.

    Bookings are essential


    David Formosa
    Director of Development

    Fortnight in Photos

    Our school captured in images.

    Celebrating First Semester Achievements and Looking Ahead

    Your perseverance and commitment to these exams have not gone unnoticed.

    Daniel Di Lisio

    Director of Learning and Teaching


    Celebrating First Semester Achievements and Looking Ahead

    As we conclude the first semester of the 2024 academic year, I want to extend my sincere congratulations to all our students and teachers for their hard work so far. A special acknowledgment goes to our Year 10 and Unit 1 students for their recent efforts during the semester exams held in our new exam location at St. Mary's Parish Hall. Your perseverance and commitment to these exams have not gone unnoticed.

    We are pleased to announce that semester reports will be released prior to the end of the term. These reports are more than just a summary of grades—they are also reflections of each student’s progress, strengths, and areas for improvement.

    As you receive these reports, I encourage families, students, and the wider St. Mary's College community to focus not only on the grades but also on the invaluable feedback from our dedicated teachers. One key form of this feedback is found in our Student Performance Indicators (SPI), which assess various attributes essential for academic and personal success. Here are some insights on the importance of the indicators and how they relate to the values underpinned by our Catholic tradition:

    Organisational Skills:

    St. Ignatius of Loyola said, "Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God."

    Students who excel in organisational skills demonstrate diligence and responsibility by effectively preparing for learning, managing their workload, and employing strategies to support their studies. These students embody the gospel value of stewardship, showcasing their ability to manage tasks effectively to achieve success.


    St. Francis de Sales once advised, "Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself."

    Students who master self-regulation exhibit the ability to manage their behaviour, regulate emotions, and maintain personal well-being. This self-discipline and resilience are crucial for personal, as well as academic growth. At St. Mary's College, fostering these skills aligns with the gospel values of self-control and inner peace, contributing to a balanced and liberating education.


    St. Benedict XI proclaimed, "You were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness."

      Motivated students show a deep engagement with learning, actively participate in class activities, and continually strive to improve their academic performance. By cultivating a passion for learning and setting personal goals, these students reflect our college’s value of passion for excellence and the gospel value of joy. They inspire us all to pursue our interests and achieve our fullest potential.

      Collaboration with Teachers and Peers:

      St. Teresa of Calcutta reminded us, "We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."

      Students who excel in collaboration respond well to feedback, seek assistance, and contribute positively to the learning environment. Their ability to work effectively with others is essential for personal and communal growth, reflecting our commitment to community and the gospel values of compassion and cooperation. At St. Mary's College, we strive to create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive together.

      As well as achieving good grades, success is about developing the skills, habits, and mindset that will serve us well throughout life. At St. Mary's College, we are committed to supporting this journey and acknowledging those who strive for growth in small ways or large. Together, let’s strive for continuous improvement and embrace the challenges ahead with resilience and hope.

      Warm regards,

      Daniel Di Lisio
      Director of Learning and Teaching
