Principal's Report

It’s cold outside and our days are short as we head into winter, but there is a great spirit of optimism at St Mary’s College at present.

Great Spirit of Optimism

It’s cold outside and our days are short as we head into winter, but there is a great spirit of optimism at St Mary’s College at present. The worksite has been established for the redevelopment of the McCartney and Yumba Building and staff are preparing for stage 1 of reintegration back to the Edmund Rice Campus as staff workspaces are relocated. Facing another period of change is not without its challenges, but it is also energising as we set our clear strategic path for the future. I am pleased to share with you our School Improvement Plan over the next few editions which sets out our goals which are articulated into our Annual Action Plan. I thank staff, students and parents / guardians for their important contribution to this process.

SIP Priority 1 – Pride in our Identity

Goal: We celebrate our Catholic identity as a school in the Edmund Rice tradition.

Intended Outcomes:

1. Our community has pride in the long traditions that have established St Mary’s.

2. We have an educational offering that is desirable in the marketplace for our lived Catholic values expressed through the EREA Touchstones and charism of Blessed Edmund Rice.

3. Our students show pride in our name through their presentation in our uniform.

4. Student conduct is respectful on public transport.

5. There is a masterplan for a St Mary’s learning precinct that helps link our parish and primary schools in a shared vision for Catholic education.

Social Justice Walkathon

Congratulations to all who participated so enthusiastically in our annual social justice walkathon last Friday. This is the major fundraising activity at the College in support of social justice initiatives both local and international. With a long tradition of over 50 years, it is also speaks to a very positive connection with those who have gone before us in trying to make a difference for those who are marginalised. The balance of our donations at the time of writing was $10,673, which is a great effort given that we know some families are feeling economic pressure at present. The portal to make donations will remain open until next term for those who would still like to contribute. There’s a tight race between two Year 7 PC groups for the highest totals and Mrs Saundry has kindly offered to cook lunch for the winning homeroom as an extra incentive.

EREA Charter Renewal

Edmund Rice Education Australia is working with the communities of its 55 schools across the nation to review our charter and reaffirm our shared mission and vision. You may be aware of the EREA Touchstones: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity. It’s been seven years since the last review and, on Tuesday evening, we hosted a workshop consisting of participants from EREA schools in Victoria. Thank you to those who gave their time to ensure that the charter continues to be relevant in a changing world.

VCEA School Review

On June 25, a team from the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) will spend the day at St Mary’s to review our implementation of several VRQA compliance standards, but especially Ministerial Order 1359, the Child Safe Standards. This out of cycle review is a consequence of our change in governance as of January 1. The reviewers are looking for evidence that we are making child safety a priority and that we are putting our targets in a language that is accessible to our students and the community. Thank you to all who are preparing for the review. Any feedback from the reviewers will be used to make our systems even more effective.

Staff News

Year 9 - Mr Tollit has kindly agreed to accept responsibility for the Year 9 Pastoral Program for the remainder of 2024. Most Year 9 students and families will know Mr Tollit from Year 7 and/or Year 8. He is also the Year 12 Leader. Mr Quinn will continue to lead the Year 9 Experiential Learning Program. Thank you to Mr Tollit and Mr Quinn for taking on this additional responsibility to help us through this period until we can find a suitable permanent replacement.


Exams commenced for Year 10 and Year 11 students this week and we encourage our students to use the experience of these assessments to help develop the good habits that will enable each to perform at their best in exam conditions. Exams require another skill set that distinguishes them from shorter assessments and practice helps to hone these techniques. Some of the skills required are simple – be early so that you are not rushed and have time to settle. Please share with your young person the strategies that have worked for you as many of you will have great expertise in these and other forms of assessment.

Latrobe University Research Project

We recommenced our partnership with Dr Leanne Higham and her research team this week. Dr Higham has been working with us to better understand what a successful transition from single sex to coeducational schooling entails. On Monday night, the research team worked with our whole staff of the topic: The Hidden Curriculum of Gender. We will have future sessions later in the year that will look more closely at unconscious biases and normative behaviours which may be obstacles on our pathway to a fully inclusive school and how we might identify and better address these.

SIMON Everywhere

I’m pleased to inform you of the availability of a companion app for your phone to help you to access SIMON / PAM. Hopefully SIMON Everywhere will make it easier for you to monitor the progress of your young person and notify the College of absence. It is available for download from the app store and login is with your PAM details. More information will be coming including where to seek technical support if required.


Darren Atkinson
College Principal 

Deputy Principal's Report

The sense of community built on this day is significant and admirable.

Our Walk for Social Justice

I would like to thank every member of the St Mary’s College community that participated in the fundraising effort leading up to last Friday, and those that participated in the walkathon itself. The faith formation opportunity, as well as the sense of community built on this day is significant and admirable. The day commenced with a beautiful and reverent liturgy. Students were well grounded in the reasons why we walk after praying and hearing from staff and students about the symbolic significance of the day. We even heard from Mr Lima, who was able to recall the nature of the walkathon across the past 50+ years.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the Parents & Friends association, who once again ‘showed up’ and gave of their effort and energy to feed the community at the end of the long walk. Your presence is important and greatly appreciated. I would also like to acknowledge the work of the staff on this day. We talk about the day as being somewhat ‘uncomfortable’ for our students, as its purpose is to reinforce the notion of solidarity with those at the margins of our society. Our staff have an integral role to play, in modelling justice and solidarity to our students by walking themselves, whilst simultaneously providing duty of care supervision in very challenging circumstances along a 12 km walking path. Finally, a particular thanks to our students, who are the reason for the walkathon existing and for it being so successful. The fundraising effort continues into Term 3.

As I write this article, the Year 11 exams are taking place, and the Year 10 exams have just finished. I would like to commend the students for the way they prepared for and sat these exams. For most Year 10 students, this was their first experience of the formalities of being in an exam room and the requirements of study in the days and weeks leading up. Being ‘instructed’ as opposed to being ‘asked’ to do something has a different feel to it, and our students, in impeccable uniform, were ready for the challenge of completing the questions and tasks that lay ahead of them. Congratulations to all students for being so well prepared and diligent, and to the staff for their work prior, during, and after the exams, when assessing and reporting on student achievement.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Director of Students - Introducing our Year 9 Captains

Our newly appointed Year 9 Class Captains have already demonstrated some key responsibilities.

Introducing our Year 9 Captains

Our newly appointed Year 9 Class Captains have already demonstrated some key responsibilities including leadership and setting a positive example for others, communication when liaising with students or teachers and conveying important information and lastly, representation through representing their cohort in student voice meetings and ensuring their peers voices are heard.

Being a Year 9 Class Captain allows students to develop leadership and organisational skills while contributing positively to their school community.

I would like to introduce our Year 9 Class Captains for 2024:

William Morrow – 9W

This year Will would like to improve academic opportunities with a focus on extending student learning

Lila Charewicz – 9R

Lila would like to increase and improve community within pastoral care groups.

Massimo Serritiello – 9C

This year Massimo would like to build and improve trust amongst students and with staff

Maksymilian Kaplon – 9C

Maksymilian would like to improve academic opportunities with accelerated learning opportunities

Sienna Colonico – 9T

This year Sienna would like to demonstrate that she is a voice for her peers, standing up for them when they need it and make positive change through student voice.

Jen Howard
Director of Students


We are so excited to present to you the 2024 Senior College Musical ‘Little Shop of Horrors’


We are so excited to present to you the 2024 Senior College Musical ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ in just under two weeks’ time!

Set in a florist in Skid Row, this rock musical has it all – a demented dentist, a budding romance and a Venus Fly Trap who really, REALLY needs to be fed…

Over the last two months, our cast of 17 students and student orchestra have been working tirelessly to ensure our production is a thrilling experience for all.

The four performances are:

Thursday 20th June at 7pm

Friday 21st June at 7pm

Saturday 22nd June at 1:30pm and 7pm


We look forward to suppertime soon!

Mr. Brendan Tollit

Worry Wisely

IT’S OK to WORRY during exams – but make sure you WORRY WISELY

Worry Wisely

IT’S OK to WORRY during exams – but make sure you WORRY WISELY

We all like certainty. Indeed, our brains like predictability because when we have uncertainty it can lead us to worry.

Uncertainty can come at any time and in many ways.

For our senior students, the present exam period can lead to feelings of uncertainty and worry.

We must keep in mind though, that worry is an important feeling to manage.

Worry makes us proactive; it can bring us to action. However, too much worry can lead to anxiety, which is why we need to WORRY WISELY.

Be proactive in dealing with worries so they do not overtake you.

Deal with worry about exams by allowing time to take a break to deal with your thoughts, then move forward with what is ahead.

See the steps and not the staircase. Each exam is step towards a final goal.

The following activities are a collection of suggestions from our students who have a set specific amount time e.g. 20 minutes to incorporate activities such as these in their study regime :

  • Watching TV,
  • Talk to my dog
  • Pat my cat
  • Talk to someone face to face
  • Draw, write or read.
  • Meditate
  • Go outside
  • Write a journal
  • Play music,
  • Listen to music,
  • Create music
  • Art/craft/paint

Give yourself a set amount of time to have a break, then use some positive self-talk:

  • “I may not like it, but I can do it.”
  • “I am calm and focused.”
  • “I can handle this situation.”
  • “I ‘ve got this, I can do it. I can Worry WISELY and It’s OK.”

Remember, self-talk is a skill that can be learned, and by practice everyone can be good at it.

Trish Maguire
College Counsellor.

Graduate Tutoring Program

It has been a pleasure for the both of us, members of the 2023 Graduating class, to return to St Mary’s to assist students with their homework and study.

Graduate Tutoring Program

It has been a pleasure for the both of us, members of the 2023 Graduating class, to return to St Mary’s to assist students with their homework and study.

The Tutoring Program runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in the study hub on the Presentation Campus. It is free and students do not need to register, simply just turn up.

We are on hand throughout that time to assist students with any homework and assignment queries they may have. It is open to all year levels and subjects. Additionally, if any students would like private tutoring outside of school times and this program, we can point them in the right direction of where to seek that help.

We have been really encouraged by the positivity towards study at St Mary’s. Gradually over the course of the term, more and more students have dropped by the study hub to seek assistance. Whether we are helping a student with a maths problem, reading over a practice essay, or just having a chat about what students are learning about in their classes, we are pleased with the level of engagement St Mary’s students are showing with their study.

This position has given us ample opportunity to impart our knowledge and experience. As previous students, we understand the challenges of balancing school and personal life, and we can integrate our tutelage in a personalised and relevant manner. In this way, we can give advice on study skills and help students develop an academic plan that builds a foundation for all general study.

Heading into Term 3, we are looking to establish a theme in these after-school sessions of “Fostering a love of learning”. Research shows that when students enjoy and develop a passion for the content they are learning about it, they will be more inclined to perform well when assessed. To this end, we are planning to hold some after-school workshops that students will be encouraged to attend, to take part in activities that seek to stimulate an interest in learning. More information will be provided on this in the coming weeks.

Raj Johnston and Ethan Oyston

Big Day In

Last week Yr 10 and Yr 11 Information Technology students joined over 500 other students at the Big Day In.

Big Day In

Last week Yr 10 and Yr 11 Information Technology students joined over 500 other students at the Big Day In. 

The Big Day In is an annual event that provides students with opportunities to discuss with technology organisations, career opportunities and pathways in the IT industry. 

Students listened to a number of presentations and were able to visit exhibitors where they were able to gain invaluable knowledge about the opportunities available to them. Some of our students were even fortunate to win some prizes. 

It was a great day and our students represented the College with pride.

Sylvia Pastore

Association Sport Term 2 Wrap Up

As we wrap up another thrilling term of sports, it's time to celebrate the incredible efforts and achievements of our teams.

Association Sport Wrap Up 

As we wrap up another thrilling term of sports, it's time to celebrate the incredible efforts and achievements of our teams. Our students have shown remarkable dedication and resilience, facing each game with enthusiasm and sportsmanship. Here are the highlights from the recent matches:

Intermediate Football: Despite a seismic loss against De La Salle in the semi-final, our Intermediate team demonstrated commendable spirit and teamwork throughout the season. Reaching the semi-finals with a 4-2 overall record is a testament to their hard work and determination. Well done, team!

Junior Football: The Junior football team showcased an improved performance against De La Salle. Their growth and development on the field were evident, and their persistence is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work!

Senior Soccer: Congratulations to our senior soccer team for their outstanding 3 to 1 victory against Whitefriars. This win highlights their skill, strategy, and unity. A fantastic achievement that reflects their dedication throughout the season so far. We look forward to their semi-final match this week against Emmanuel College.

Junior Soccer: A special shoutout to the Junior soccer team for their thrilling 1-nil win against St Bernard's. Their hard-fought victory has earnt the team a spot in the semi-finals where they will come up against Mazenod College

CGSAV Cross County – Congratulations to all our Junior and Intermediate girls who competed in the CGSAV cross country. A special mention to Maya Jess and Natalia Penna for being our best competitors for their divisions.

CGSAV Girls AFL – We are looking forward to seeing our girls represent St Mary’s College this Friday for the girls AFL day. Good luck.

Looking ahead, next term will bring new opportunities for our students to shine in Basketball, Table Tennis and Hockey. These sports promise to offer thrilling experiences and the chance for our athletes to develop and showcase their talents.

As we conclude this term, let's applaud all our teams for their hard work and look forward to another exciting term of sports.

Byron Figueroa
PE Staff

Association Sport

Semi-Final De La Salle defeated St Mary's.

Kudos to De La Salle, who were just too strong and out played us in every facet of the game at Waverley oval last Tuesday.

Obviously a disappointing result, but we still should be proud of our season and the way we showed growth in areas of respect for the game, ball movement, team connectedness and player development.

Thank you to Taylor, Roach, Corke, H McMahon and Skordakis who all turned up to support and fulfil duties, much appreciated and thank you to the parents again for turning up, it’s been great to have a contingent of parents at most games.

Best Curran, Wilson, Charlesworth and Fraser.

Onwards and upwards


Harper, Figueroa and Cavolo

There were some outstanding performances at the recent CGSAV athletics at lakeside stadium last Wednesday.

Keira Reeve easily won the Year 7 Shot Put with a big throw of 8.36m. This is a new school record.

Tyra Williams won both the Senior Long Jump and Triple Jump with 4.35m and 9.67m. She also won the 200m in 30.73. These are all new school records.

Sophie Gardiner won the Year 7 Javelin.

Mackenzie Prentice Evans placed 2nd in each of the throws in Senior Shot, Discus and Javelin setting new school records in each.

Congratulations to all of our athletes

Pat Kaufman

Careers - Green and STEAM Careers

Over the last two weeks I have attended two wonderful professional development days.


Over the last two weeks I have attended two wonderful professional development days.

The first was run by AMSI – the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute - and was for maths teachers and careers practitioners. It aimed to help us to encourage students to find relevance and confidence in their mathematical skills, so that they continue the subjects in Year 12 and in tertiary studies.

Whilst most of the speakers had studies maths at university, whether in science, maths, ITC, statistics, engineering or commerce degrees, all agreed that it was the maths they learned in school that was most interesting and gave them the foundations that allowed them to use a wide variety of mathematical skills in their current high-paying jobs!

These ranged from a “Quant” (quantitative analyst for financial organisations), a policy officer predicting future staffing needs, data analyst (many of these!) and academics, as well as a huge range of engineers (structural, environmental, civil, mechanical, electrical, aeronautical and more) working at the huge consultancy Aurecon.

Data Analytics was very much to the fore (we have the Data Analytics subject in Year 12 at St Mary’s College) as we heard from Champion Data, the company with small beginnings that has grown to provide all the data analytics and visuals for most of the sports we watch. Coaches use data analytics to improve performance, and this has grown into providing the visual data we see broadcast on all Seven and Fox sport, from the power and direction of a serve to on-screen statistics and analysis.


At this event we heard from a senior policy officer at the Clean Energy Council and the Australian Hydrogen Council.

He pointed out that the industry that has grown around our commitment to net zero by 2030, is a diverse and growing one, due to the multi-pronged approach to reaching the target. This has led to a huge demand in a diverse range of occupations, creating a skills shortage particularly in three main areas:

  • Architecture, Building and Surveying
  • Engineers, both professional and trades ,such as fitters, machinists and structural steel workers
  • Electricians.

In addition, there is a great need for legal and policy advisors, supply chain and project managers, as well as data analysts.

For a change of pace, we heard from the Head of Sustainability at Bunnings, who works with a diverse team to reduce emissions, waste and energy use, along with phasing out gas – even in the barbecues – alongside ensuring ethical sourcing of products to prevent slavery and exploitation, and recycling. Her team includes graduates in engineering, environmental science, commerce and arts. There are many paths to careers that make a difference.

Lastly, we heard from James, who runs a Swim with Seals and Dolphins tours in Port Phillip Bay. This tourism business aims to introduce young people in particular to the wonders of the marine environment whilst educating them about its fragility. He employs many workers with and without formal qualifications who teach snorkelling, surfing and environmental skills, act as tour guides and manage the boat. Since this is largely a summer activity, many of the young workers enjoy the freedom to “follow the sun” and work in tourism at resorts or in marine research further north or overseas during our winter. Some go on to further studies in environmental sciences or take up land based environmental jobs with the National Parks service.

In the off season, James works with the Southern Ocean Environmental Link (SOEL) on projects such as the Great Southern Reef Camera Network, a live stream over and under water, linked to the Victorian Curriculum, as well a campaign to Take 3 for the Sea ( to collect plastic from beaches for recycling and harbour water filter traps for oils and microplastics. He is certainly a great role model for young people wanting to “make a difference”!

Mandy Ellwood
Careers Counsellor


For the interest of families who are not aware of ‘I CAN’, they can find information here:

I CAN® is Australia’s largest provider of autistic-led group mentoring programs, training and consultancy. Our school and online mentoring programs empower 6-22-year-old young people with an ‘I CAN’ attitude.

Holiday Program Opportunities

For the interest of families who are not aware of ‘I CAN’, they can find information here:

I CAN® is Australia’s largest provider of autistic-led group mentoring programs, training and consultancy. Our school and online mentoring programs empower 6-22-year-old young people with an ‘I CAN’ attitude.

The July school holiday program is now open.

Chris Sodaitis
Learning Diversity Coordinator

80s vs 90s Trivia Night

Get ready to step back in time and put your trivia skills to the test at the St Mary's College 80s vs 90s Trivia Night!

80s vs 90s Trivia Night

Get ready to step back in time and put your trivia skills to the test at the St Mary's College 80s vs 90s Trivia Night! This exciting event, organised by the dedicated Parents and Friends group, is set to be a major fundraiser for our new College Bus. Mark your calendars for Saturday, 27 July 2024 and join us for a night of fun, music, and nostalgia.

The evening promises to be filled with live music, dancing, raffles, and fantastic prizes. It's a perfect opportunity to gather with friends, show off your knowledge of the 80s and 90s, and support a great cause.


  • When: Saturday, 27 July @ 7:00pm
  • Where: Logue Hall, 11 Westbury St, East St Kilda (enter via Gate C)
  • Cost: $30 per person or $250 for a table of 10
  • BYO Food – Drinks available at bar prices

Tickets are available now, so don't miss out on this incredible event. Whether you're an 80s aficionado or a 90s enthusiast, there's something for everyone. Scan the QR code to book your tickets or CLICK HERE and secure your spot.

Let's make this a night to remember and help raise the necessary funds for our new College Bus. See you there!

The doors will be opened for past pupils of Presentation College Windsor.

Presentation College Windsor Open Day

The doors will be opened for past pupils of Presentation College Windsor.

Please share these details with past students you may know.

Bookings are essential


David Formosa
Director of Development

Fortnight in Photos

Our School in Images.

Director of Students - Introducing our Year 9 Captains

Our newly appointed Year 9 Class Captains have already demonstrated some key responsibilities.

Jen Howard

Director of Students


Introducing our Year 9 Captains

Our newly appointed Year 9 Class Captains have already demonstrated some key responsibilities including leadership and setting a positive example for others, communication when liaising with students or teachers and conveying important information and lastly, representation through representing their cohort in student voice meetings and ensuring their peers voices are heard.

Being a Year 9 Class Captain allows students to develop leadership and organisational skills while contributing positively to their school community.

I would like to introduce our Year 9 Class Captains for 2024:

William Morrow – 9W

This year Will would like to improve academic opportunities with a focus on extending student learning

Lila Charewicz – 9R

Lila would like to increase and improve community within pastoral care groups.

Massimo Serritiello – 9C

This year Massimo would like to build and improve trust amongst students and with staff

Maksymilian Kaplon – 9C

Maksymilian would like to improve academic opportunities with accelerated learning opportunities

Sienna Colonico – 9T

This year Sienna would like to demonstrate that she is a voice for her peers, standing up for them when they need it and make positive change through student voice.

Jen Howard
Director of Students
