Great Spirit of Optimism
It’s cold outside and our days are short as we head into winter, but there is a great spirit of optimism at St Mary’s College at present. The worksite has been established for the redevelopment of the McCartney and Yumba Building and staff are preparing for stage 1 of reintegration back to the Edmund Rice Campus as staff workspaces are relocated. Facing another period of change is not without its challenges, but it is also energising as we set our clear strategic path for the future. I am pleased to share with you our School Improvement Plan over the next few editions which sets out our goals which are articulated into our Annual Action Plan. I thank staff, students and parents / guardians for their important contribution to this process.

SIP Priority 1 – Pride in our Identity
Goal: We celebrate our Catholic identity as a school in the Edmund Rice tradition.
Intended Outcomes:
1. Our community has pride in the long traditions that have established St Mary’s.
2. We have an educational offering that is desirable in the marketplace for our lived Catholic values expressed through the EREA Touchstones and charism of Blessed Edmund Rice.
3. Our students show pride in our name through their presentation in our uniform.
4. Student conduct is respectful on public transport.
5. There is a masterplan for a St Mary’s learning precinct that helps link our parish and primary schools in a shared vision for Catholic education.
Social Justice Walkathon
Congratulations to all who participated so enthusiastically in our annual social justice walkathon last Friday. This is the major fundraising activity at the College in support of social justice initiatives both local and international. With a long tradition of over 50 years, it is also speaks to a very positive connection with those who have gone before us in trying to make a difference for those who are marginalised. The balance of our donations at the time of writing was $10,673, which is a great effort given that we know some families are feeling economic pressure at present. The portal to make donations will remain open until next term for those who would still like to contribute. There’s a tight race between two Year 7 PC groups for the highest totals and Mrs Saundry has kindly offered to cook lunch for the winning homeroom as an extra incentive.
EREA Charter Renewal
Edmund Rice Education Australia is working with the communities of its 55 schools across the nation to review our charter and reaffirm our shared mission and vision. You may be aware of the EREA Touchstones: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity. It’s been seven years since the last review and, on Tuesday evening, we hosted a workshop consisting of participants from EREA schools in Victoria. Thank you to those who gave their time to ensure that the charter continues to be relevant in a changing world.
VCEA School Review
On June 25, a team from the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) will spend the day at St Mary’s to review our implementation of several VRQA compliance standards, but especially Ministerial Order 1359, the Child Safe Standards. This out of cycle review is a consequence of our change in governance as of January 1. The reviewers are looking for evidence that we are making child safety a priority and that we are putting our targets in a language that is accessible to our students and the community. Thank you to all who are preparing for the review. Any feedback from the reviewers will be used to make our systems even more effective.
Staff News
Year 9 - Mr Tollit has kindly agreed to accept responsibility for the Year 9 Pastoral Program for the remainder of 2024. Most Year 9 students and families will know Mr Tollit from Year 7 and/or Year 8. He is also the Year 12 Leader. Mr Quinn will continue to lead the Year 9 Experiential Learning Program. Thank you to Mr Tollit and Mr Quinn for taking on this additional responsibility to help us through this period until we can find a suitable permanent replacement.
Exams commenced for Year 10 and Year 11 students this week and we encourage our students to use the experience of these assessments to help develop the good habits that will enable each to perform at their best in exam conditions. Exams require another skill set that distinguishes them from shorter assessments and practice helps to hone these techniques. Some of the skills required are simple – be early so that you are not rushed and have time to settle. Please share with your young person the strategies that have worked for you as many of you will have great expertise in these and other forms of assessment.
Latrobe University Research Project
We recommenced our partnership with Dr Leanne Higham and her research team this week. Dr Higham has been working with us to better understand what a successful transition from single sex to coeducational schooling entails. On Monday night, the research team worked with our whole staff of the topic: The Hidden Curriculum of Gender. We will have future sessions later in the year that will look more closely at unconscious biases and normative behaviours which may be obstacles on our pathway to a fully inclusive school and how we might identify and better address these.
SIMON Everywhere
I’m pleased to inform you of the availability of a companion app for your phone to help you to access SIMON / PAM. Hopefully SIMON Everywhere will make it easier for you to monitor the progress of your young person and notify the College of absence. It is available for download from the app store and login is with your PAM details. More information will be coming including where to seek technical support if required.
Darren Atkinson
College Principal