Principal's Report

Works to redevelop the McCartney Wing commencing next week.

Capital Development

I’m pleased to be able to inform you that the College will soon become a building site with the works to redevelop the McCartney Wing commencing next week. The site will be fenced, and students will be informed of the areas that are out of bounds so that everyone remains safe. We will keep you up to date with progress reports over the coming months. It is an important next step in our strategic plan and excitement is building about the future for St Mary’s College.

Annual Report to the College Community

At this time of year, schools are required by the Australian Government to report on activities and performance in 2023. Our Annual Report to the College Community is available for viewing on the College website in the Policies section under School Governance.

Annual Report

Mother’s Day Lunch

There was a strong turnout of parents/guardians at the inaugural Mother’s Day Lunch last Friday and it proved to be another successful opportunity for families to connect in an informal setting to help build connections in our community. An initiative of the P&F, there was a great spirit at the lunch, the proceeds from which will go towards the major fundraising goal of a school bus. Thanks especially to P&F Leaders, Leah Lloyd-Smith and Jane Leroi, for their work in staging this event. You are reminded to put a “Save the Date” in your calendar for the P&F Trivia Night coming up on July 27.

Staff News

Mr Paul Quinn has been appointed as Director of Identity, People and Culture. Paul will play a key role in our expression of faith as a community and will also support the staff so that they can continue their good work with our young people. Mr Quinn will continue as the Year 9 Leader while we seek his replacement.

Mr David Joyce has informed the College of his resignation to take up the role as Vice Principal at Lauriston Howqua Campus. Mr Joyce is a long-serving teacher and a past student of CBC. We congratulate David on this appointment and thank him for his dedicated service to St Mary’s College over many years. As Mr Joyce oversees our Outdoor Education Program, we are planning alternative year level camp opportunities for those who have not already participated in 2024, namely Year 9, who will be going to the Philip Island Adventure Resort in October. More information will be provided to Year 9 families as we get closer to the date.

We welcome Ms Amy Culpitt who joins St Mary’s College as Principal’s EA. Amy is your contact person should you wish to update any student related details, such as change of address, or should you need to inform the College regarding a change in enrolment. Amy will also assist you should you wish to arrange a meeting with me.

Music Camp

Music students had the opportunity to gather this week, work on their ensemble skills and develop their music craft during an intensive program at Amberley Retreat Centre. Thank you to Music Leader, Ms Louisa Lawless, and the talented team of instrumental music teachers who facilitated this great opportunity. I trust that the students have enjoyed a rich learning experience.

Second Hand Uniform

A huge thank you to parent volunteer, Cathy Dekievit, and the band of loyal helpers who have worked assiduously over recent weeks to clear the second-hand uniform room in preparation for our return to the Edmund Rice Campus in Term 4. I have informed the second-hand uniform shop that there is to be no more CBC or PCW branded clothing to be sold as we will be eliminating everything except St Mary’s College uniform at the end of 2024. I will communicate further on this deadline with families in coming weeks including a change to the girls’ summer dress.

SIMON Everywhere

I’m pleased to inform you of the availability of a companion app for your phone to help you to access SIMON / PAM. Hopefully SIMON Everywhere will make it easier for you to monitor the progress of your young person and notify the College of absence. It is available for download from the app store and login is with your PAM details. More information will be coming including where to seek technical support if required.


Deputy Principal's Report - Social Justice Walkathon

We are offering dignity to members of the human family that may rarely experience it.

Walkathon Fundraiser

In my newsletter article two weeks ago, I referenced the launch of our walkathon fundraising effort, which included the release of each student’s unique donation code and the stated aim of $50 per student. This is the major fundraiser for the year at St Mary’s College. It is helpful that we narrow the focus to one specific fundraising effort each year – the support of people in the local Melbourne community that need clothes, food and shelter, and the same for those in the underprivileged communities in India with whom we have a long-standing relationship. By doing this, we are offering dignity to members of the human family that may rarely experience it.

I am once again seeking the support of families to do what they can to help achieve the aim of $50 per student.


This action – fundraising and walking – is the most tangible thing we do as a whole school to educate our students about advocating for those less fortunate. It is a physical demonstration of standing in solidarity with those that need it most. Let us all demonstrate our commitment to those we fundraise for. Let us all have a very successful annual social justice walkathon.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

From our Director of Students - IDAHOBIT Day

Supporting equal rights for everyone – regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender or religion.


This year, IDAHOBIT was not just a date on the calendar for St. Mary's College. It is a testament to our commitment to fostering a community where everyone feels safe, valued, and celebrated for who they are.

IDAHOBIT Day, observed on May 17th, is the International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination. This day raises awareness about the discrimination faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals and promotes their rights and equality.

In the lead-up to IDAHOBIT, and as part of the Pastoral Care Program at the College, students engaged in learning to understand how and why St Mary’s College celebrates diversity. Students also learned what it means to be an ‘Ally’, which includes supporting equal rights for everyone – regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender or religion, and doing what you can to call out discrimination and to fight for equality

To acknowledge and celebrate IDAHOBIT day, each of our students were asked to write their messages of support for the LGBTQIA+ community. These comments have been proudly displayed around the College.

Jen Howard
Director of Students

Exam Skills and Work Experience - Year 10, Term 2

Term 2 provides two major growth opportunities for Year 10 students.

Exam Skills and Work Experience - Year 10, Term 2

Term 2 provides two major growth opportunities for Year 10 students at St Mary's College. In Week 8, students will undertake their first series of formal exams, and in the final week of term, they will participate in work experience.

The exam period aims not only to test subject knowledge but also to teach Year 10 students how to study for and approach formal written exams. To ensure they are well-prepared, throughout the term students have been attending presentations focused on study skills and exam preparation. These sessions are designed to equip students with effective strategies for managing their study time, revising, and answering exam questions. Thank you to the external provider Elevate Education, Mr. Di Lisio, Director of Students, and two high-achieving alumni, Ethan Oyston and Raj Johnston for your insights.

As the term progresses, Week 11 is dedicated to work experience, providing students with an opportunity to explore potential career paths. This week-long insight into the working world may lead to students discovering a career they are passionate about or, at the very least, obtaining valuable insights into an industry. The hope is that this exposure will help students make informed decisions about their future career paths and provide direction and purpose for the senior years.

The skills and experiences gained during this term are expected to be beneficial through to tertiary study. The formal exams will hone academic abilities, while the work experience will give a real-world perspective that is invaluable in shaping future career paths.

Mr Michael Pye
Year 10 Pastoral Leader

Another Successful Music Camp.

Hugely beneficial learning and bonding experience for our St Mary's Music family.

Music camp 2024

This week 76 students took part in Music camp. 3 days of non-stop music making and lots of fun. 

Students were invited from Symphonic band, Big band, Musical Orchestra, Massed Guitars, 3 rock bands, Musical production team and cast. Over the course of the threes days, there was a movie night where we watched Mr Tollit star in a production of Little Shop of horrors and a trivia, games and karaoke night. 

At the end of the camp, recordings were made of the performances of the work done. This will be sent to participants once completed. 

An exhausting but hugely beneficial learning and bonding experience for our St Mary's Music family. 

Thank you to all the staff who attended, the students for your hard work , and to the parents for your support. A special mention to the College Parents and Friends who contributed to the cost of the transport to and from the camp. 

Louisa Lawless
Director of Music

Micro Mathematicians

An enrichment program beyond the classroom.

Micro Mathematicians

Micro Mathematicians is an enrichment program beyond the classroom for year 7-10.

It offers free virtual and in person workshops during the year.

Activities include

  • Problem solving
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Data visualisation
  • Mathematical/ statistical games.

Here is the link for more information

St Mary’s Mathematics Department

Careers - Girls Visit Trade and Tech Fit Expo


Recently, five Year 9 and 10 students visited the Trade and Tech Fit Expo at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.

The aim of the Expo was to expose young women to a range of career options they might not have otherwise considered.

Alongside the many women, both young and old, working in the traditional trades of electrical, building, plumbing and automotive, there were also many females present employed in highly technical industries such as engineering, ITC, cloud computing, automotive design, plus emergency services, land conservation and environment, to name just a few. The girls were able to chat with them to gain a new perspective on their possible pathways.

The girls also tried their hands at all the skills on offer from bricklaying and carpentry to electrical circuits, materials testing and even resuscitation with the Fire Rescue service. There were trucks, Australia Post carts and machinery to climb aboard, cycles to test performance and games to play.

It was quite a voyage of discovery, with the girls enthusiastic to enter numerous competitions and have a go at all the activities.

Mandy Ellwood
Careers Counsellor

Little Shop of Horrors

Get ready to be thoroughly entertained.

Get ready to be thoroughly entertained.

Tickets for our Senior production of "Little Shop of Horrors" go on sale Wednesday 27 May 2024.

This promises a wonderfully entertaining show.  Content Warning – Some content is unsuitable for young children

Ticket prices : 

$25 adults

$18 students

Come along and support our students.


Brendan Tollit
Year12 Pastoral Leader/Drama Co-ordinator

Association Sport

A big week of Association Sport for St Mary's College

ACC Intermediate Football

Another away game this week against a very competitive football school in Whitefriars and again the conditions were perfect for football.

We started well with 3 quick goals from centre clearances, but from then on it became a real arm wrestle with Whitefriars beginning to win their fair share of the ball, but because of their poor accuracy we still had a handy lead at halftime.

We gained the ascendancy in the third with our open forward line allowing Waghorne and Skordakis to kick important goals and we were eventually able to have a hard-fought victory.

We were definitely challenged, however our pressure and contest, and an outstanding game from Charlesworth at centre half back, who repelled many attacks and also provided excellent run from defence; combined with cameo performances from our year 9 boys Heriot, Skordakis, Curran and Roach enabled us to keep the opposition at bay.

Not our best day’s footy, the coaching staff were disappointed with some team members becoming embroiled in actions that were not team oriented and therefore losing our objective on winning the hard ball and being the best teammate possible. This was addressed throughout the game and the coaches are looking forward to a positive response next week.

Goal kickers Waghorne 5, Skordakis 2, Bentley 1, Mathieson 1 and Kemp 1.

Best Charlesworth, Kouteris, Curran, H.McMahon, Heriot, Waghorne

Coaches-Figueroa, Harper and Cavolo

Again wonderful conditions, but this time at home at Cordner Oval. Our objective was to start strong again as per the last 2 weeks, but this wasn’t to be as the polished St Joe’s team were more committed in the contest and we were left stunned with a 4 goal to 1 deficit at quarter time. We crept our way back in the game in the second quarter but our transition was messy into our forwards while St Joe’s were a lot smoother and cleaner and they held the advantage.

We battled manfully in the second half, but the opposition spread and fitness across the big ground was too good on the day.

We had some excellent contributors especially Jack Curran his attack on the ball and gut running was outstanding a real team player.

Even though we experienced a disappointing loss today there was a positive, the coaching staff need to commend and congratulate every player of St Mary's on the way they conducted themselves on field and the respect showed towards the umpires and opposition, which was certainly an area some our players needed to improve in after the first 2 rounds.

Another tough game next week, we will looking forward to a strong response especially in the one-metre test where some of our players were left wanting today.

Best Curran, Bennett, J Waghorne, Heriot Charlesworth, S Daley.

Goal Kickers- S Daley 2, J Waghorne 1, Skordakis 1 and Charlesworth 1

Well done boys on Duties Retallick, Dalby and Taylor.

We ventured out to Emmanuel in a do or die clash, in what you may say ‘a bit of a Derby with real a Western suburb flavour to it.

The St Mary’s boys were set the challenge this week to respond after a toothless performance last week and that they did, with a fantastic parent following they came out of the blocks and stamped their authority on the game with our thirst for the one metre test and our midfield controlling the first quarter. We lead by about 20 points at the break, we continued the momentum in the second quarter with the Wizard Skordakis, Bentley and Mathieson all proving to be dangerous up forward and we extended our lead to 4 and half goals by half-time.

The second half saw Emmanuel lift and take the game to us and if not for our backline who absorbed many attacks, especially in the last 7 minutes, it may have been a different result. Fraser led the backline with some important spoils and acts of courage.

All in all a good team effort with no real stand outs, just an even contribution across the ground which is a great sign as we move towards the pointy end of the season.

Goal Kickers Bentley 3, Skordakis 3, Mathieson 2, Russell 1 and Daley 1.

Best S. Daley, Fraser, Heriot, Bentley, Charlesworth

Special mentions to Slattery and Rettalick for the officiating and a big thank you to all parents who came to support and especially to one parent who had one eye on the clock.

Coaches-Figueroa, Harper and Cavolo

We played at home against Mazenod. A win today would insure a semi-final berth next week.

We lead comfortably at half time but not playing as we would like. In the second half we improved our ball movement/transition and dominated contested ball, this allowed us to play a more effective and efficient brand of football that we hold us in good stead for next week. We lacked a bit of polish in front of goal wasting many opportunities. It's important next week we make every entry inside 50 and shot at goal count. We were well lead by S. Daley his ruck work and mobility around the ground was outstanding, Charlesworth who used the ball with high efficiency and Stoddart who demonstrated same excellent defence craft.

We have definitely come a long way since round 1 and are ready for the challenge next week.

Best S. Daley, Stoddart, Charlesworth, Herriot, H. McMahon and Kouteris

Goal kickers J. Waghorne 6, Mathieson 3, S. Daley 2, Russell 2, H. McMahon 1, Slattery 1 and Bentley 1.

Corke and Chapple great job with the duties.

Thank you to the parents who came to support.

Coaches Harper, Figueroa and Cavolo


CGSAV hockey day, held on Thursday 2nd May, was an emotional roller coaster with exciting games and infectious team spirit.

The junior team's path to the championship game was truly inspiring, as their perseverance and fortitude were evident throughout the game. In the decisive game, they lost by just two goals in spite of a valiant attempt. Cheers and laughter rang throughout the pitch, friendships became stronger.

It was more than simply a matter of victory; it was also about the relationships formed between players and their common love of the game.

Abigail Donaldson Yr 9
Hockey Captain

Well done to all of the students who competed in the CGSAV Athletics meet held on Wednesday 22 May at Lakeside Stadium.

In what were near perfect conditions, all of our athletes competed well with many fantastic results.

Parents and Friends - P&F Walking Group

We welcome all Parents and Friends of St Mary's College to join us in the challenge.

Walkathon – P&F walking group – Friday 31st May

Every Walkathon the P&F also participate as a group and welcome all Parents and Friends of St Mary's College to join us in the challenge.

The details are:

8:30am – Meet at Lou & Co Café for coffee. The cafe is located next to Brighton Beach train station.

9:00am sharp - Head off on the same 11km route the students will take later that morning from Brighton Beach to Port Melbourne. It takes approx. 2.5 hours.

For those who are wanting to participate, but who are not able to walk the full course, there is also an opportunity at the end of the course to assist the teachers in serving the BBQ for the students.

Leah and Jane
Parents and Friends Co-Chairs

NCCD Funding Fact Sheet

NCCD Funding Fact Sheets

Community News - Introduction to Indoor Soccer

Introduction to Indoor Soccer

The fortnight captured in stills.

Our school in action, captured in photos.

Micro Mathematicians

An enrichment program beyond the classroom.

Eddie Cavolo



Micro Mathematicians

Micro Mathematicians is an enrichment program beyond the classroom for year 7-10.

It offers free virtual and in person workshops during the year.

Activities include

  • Problem solving
  • Modelling and simulation
  • Data visualisation
  • Mathematical/ statistical games.

Here is the link for more information

St Mary’s Mathematics Department
