Capital Development
I’m pleased to be able to inform you that the College will soon become a building site with the works to redevelop the McCartney Wing commencing next week. The site will be fenced, and students will be informed of the areas that are out of bounds so that everyone remains safe. We will keep you up to date with progress reports over the coming months. It is an important next step in our strategic plan and excitement is building about the future for St Mary’s College.
Annual Report to the College Community
At this time of year, schools are required by the Australian Government to report on activities and performance in 2023. Our Annual Report to the College Community is available for viewing on the College website in the Policies section under School Governance.
Mother’s Day Lunch
There was a strong turnout of parents/guardians at the inaugural Mother’s Day Lunch last Friday and it proved to be another successful opportunity for families to connect in an informal setting to help build connections in our community. An initiative of the P&F, there was a great spirit at the lunch, the proceeds from which will go towards the major fundraising goal of a school bus. Thanks especially to P&F Leaders, Leah Lloyd-Smith and Jane Leroi, for their work in staging this event. You are reminded to put a “Save the Date” in your calendar for the P&F Trivia Night coming up on July 27.
Staff News

Mr Paul Quinn has been appointed as Director of Identity, People and Culture. Paul will play a key role in our expression of faith as a community and will also support the staff so that they can continue their good work with our young people. Mr Quinn will continue as the Year 9 Leader while we seek his replacement.
Mr David Joyce has informed the College of his resignation to take up the role as Vice Principal at Lauriston Howqua Campus. Mr Joyce is a long-serving teacher and a past student of CBC. We congratulate David on this appointment and thank him for his dedicated service to St Mary’s College over many years. As Mr Joyce oversees our Outdoor Education Program, we are planning alternative year level camp opportunities for those who have not already participated in 2024, namely Year 9, who will be going to the Philip Island Adventure Resort in October. More information will be provided to Year 9 families as we get closer to the date.
We welcome Ms Amy Culpitt who joins St Mary’s College as Principal’s EA. Amy is your contact person should you wish to update any student related details, such as change of address, or should you need to inform the College regarding a change in enrolment. Amy will also assist you should you wish to arrange a meeting with me.

Music Camp
Music students had the opportunity to gather this week, work on their ensemble skills and develop their music craft during an intensive program at Amberley Retreat Centre. Thank you to Music Leader, Ms Louisa Lawless, and the talented team of instrumental music teachers who facilitated this great opportunity. I trust that the students have enjoyed a rich learning experience.
Second Hand Uniform
A huge thank you to parent volunteer, Cathy Dekievit, and the band of loyal helpers who have worked assiduously over recent weeks to clear the second-hand uniform room in preparation for our return to the Edmund Rice Campus in Term 4. I have informed the second-hand uniform shop that there is to be no more CBC or PCW branded clothing to be sold as we will be eliminating everything except St Mary’s College uniform at the end of 2024. I will communicate further on this deadline with families in coming weeks including a change to the girls’ summer dress.
SIMON Everywhere
I’m pleased to inform you of the availability of a companion app for your phone to help you to access SIMON / PAM. Hopefully SIMON Everywhere will make it easier for you to monitor the progress of your young person and notify the College of absence. It is available for download from the app store and login is with your PAM details. More information will be coming including where to seek technical support if required.