Easter Reflection

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Loving God,

Thank you for the gift of the Easter Season.

Grant us the willingness to spend time this season in prayer with each other so we too can come to understand more of the Easter Story.

Thank you for the gift of each of us, and for the hope you have given to each member of our family.


Principal's Report

As we reach the end, I want to offer thanks for all the gifts that Term 1 brings.

Thanks for Term 1

As we reach the end, I want to offer thanks for all the gifts of Term 1. It is a term rich in activities and new experiences as we welcome students, staff and families to our community. We have conducted whole school masses and excellence assemblies, athletics and swimming carnivals, camps, music evenings, and several fundraising events for Caritas during Lent. I would like to thank our students for returning to school this year with such a positive outlook and I appreciate that this mindset starts in the home with your encouragement and guidance. Thanks also to the St Mary’s College staff who continue to show that they are educators of the highest calibre.


For Christians, Easter is the most important festival in the liturgical calendar, as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the cornerstone of our tradition and the essential truth on which our belief is founded. Easter is a time of saying thanks for the year that has passed, asking forgiveness for the many times that we have failed to live up to our own expectations, and going forward with confidence that we are forgiven and loved. It is also a time that many families get the opportunity to catch up and share a meal together. Whatever Easter may mean for you, I hope that your family's celebration is rich and life-giving.

School Advisory Council

We were joined at our meeting this week by special guests including our School Captains, Mackenzie and Geremy, and Father Jerome Santamaria, our Parish Priest. Our captains spoke to the SAC about the work of the Prefects Team this year and the planning that has commenced for some upcoming school events. They are excited about the return to one campus later this year and believe that it will have a positive impact on school spirit. Fr Jerome spoke about his interest in the continued growth in partnership between parish, primary and secondary school and shared some of the positive discussion that has already occurred this year about sharing our resources and working together more closely.

Capital Works

We continue to make steady progress towards the appointment of a contractor to undertake the works to redevelop the McCartney Wing and hope to see the project commence these holidays. This is a significant investment in our infrastructure and greatly enhances the resources available for studies of Technology and in our general-purpose learning areas. We appreciate the support of the Australian Government through Catholic Capital Grants for helping to alleviate some of the financial burden that would otherwise fall on our families. We will keep you update with progress reports over the next two terms. The project is scheduled for completion in time for Term 4. Fr Jerome has kindly made the Parish Hall available for VCE Exams so that our senior students will not be interrupted during relocation.

Term 2 Dates

Students return for Term 2 on Tuesday, 16th April. Staff will be working on our School Improvement Plan and Annual Action Plan on Monday, 15th April. The last day of Term 2 is Friday, 28th June.

Darren Atkinson
College Principal

Deputy Principal's Report

Designed to inform students of their rights and responsibilities and our commitment to a no tolerance approach to bullying.

An Opportunity to Reflect

The end of a school term is an opportunity to reflect, to breathe and to be grateful for all that has happened in our school so far this year.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks of this term I have had the opportunity to present to each year level group on bullying – an important issue that cannot be assumed to not exist in any school setting. It was pleasing to see a positive response to this presentation, which is based on the fundamentals of what bullying is, what to do if you see or experience bullying, and what the school will do in response to issues raised. Furthermore, the presentation is designed to inform students of their rights and responsibilities and our commitment to a no tolerance approach to bullying.

In the second week of Term 2, our musicians will represent the College at the Caulfield RSL, providing the music for their ANZAC day dawn service. All are welcome at this service – the Caulfield RSL provide a moving tribute to fallen soldiers and those that have since passed on. The following day we will have our ANZAC assembly on Friday 26 April. Other dates to note in Term 2 are the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice (Monday May 6) and The Social Justice Walkathon (Friday May 31), which are both important and wonderful community days that are compulsory for all students.

I wish all people connected to the St Mary’s College community a very safe, happy and Holy Easter. I look forward to welcoming our students back for Term 2 on Tuesday 16 April.

Shaun Lancashire

Deputy Principal

St Patrick's Mass

Mass of St Patrick

Recently four students represented the College at the annual Mass of St Patrick for schools. It was a wonderful occasion to celebrate Mass together with students reading, singing and processing in their school banners.

This celebration was held at St Patrick’s Cathedral and was attended by primary and secondary schools across Melbourne. Archbishop Comensoli was the principal celebrant and in his homily He shared thoughts about the Cathedral being a welcoming home for all; not just practicing Catholics.

The Mass was held within Catholic Education Week, with the theme In the Light of Christ. The theme was drawn from the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools strategic plan, MACS 2023: Forming Lives to Enrich the World. There are 331 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne that educate around 114,000 students and employ more than 16,000 teachers and staff.

“Christ is our inspiration, the very life of our purpose as Catholic educators. Everything we do is illuminated buy this”.

https://youtu.be/QLxFn1rAnpc If you would like to view the Mass, please use the link.

Kate Johnston
Director of Identity

Setting students up for Success

Preparing for School Each Day: Helping your child establish a morning routine that prioritises sleep, nutrition, and preparedness is supported by research in sleep science and cognitive functioning.

Setting Up for Success

As partners in your child's educational journey, we understand the importance of setting them up for success both at home and in the classroom. With this in mind, we've compiled a few tips to help your child excel in their studies by effectively managing homework and developing mindsets for coming to school ready to learn:

Preparing for School Each Day: Helping your child establish a morning routine that prioritises sleep, nutrition, and preparedness is supported by research in sleep science and cognitive functioning. A good night's sleep is essential for memory consolidation and cognitive processing, while a nutritious breakfast provides the brain with the energy and nutrients it needs for optimal performance. By starting the day well-rested and nourished, your child is better equipped to engage in learning activities and absorb new information effectively throughout the school day.

Creating a Homework Routine:
Encouraging your child to establish a consistent homework routine not only provides structure but also aligns with research in learning science. Consistency helps reinforce learning by creating neural pathways that strengthen memory retention. Additionally, having a designated study space free from distractions enhances focus and information processing, optimizing the effectiveness of study sessions.

Setting Realistic Goals: Guiding your child in setting realistic goals for homework sessions is supported by research in educational psychology. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks aligns with the principle of "chunking," where information is organised into smaller units for easier processing and retention. Celebrating accomplishments along the way triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with motivation and reinforcement learning, which enhances your child's confidence and commitment to their goals.

Encouraging Active Learning: Fostering a love for learning through active engagement with the material is backed by evidence from neuroscience. Active learning techniques, such as note-taking, questioning, and participation in discussions, stimulate multiple regions of the brain involved in attention, memory, and executive function. This multisensory approach enhances information processing and retention, leading to deeper understanding and long-term learning.

Daniel Di Lisio
Director of Learning and Teaching

Outdoor Education

It’s been a bumper Term One down at the beach!

Term 1 Outdoor Education

It’s been a bumper Term One down at the beach! Though we’ve had to contend with some challenging weather conditions and come back to school early we have had four fantastic camps this term. All three Year 7 Homeroom Classes have attended their annual class camp at Eumeralla Scout Camp and enjoyed surfing at local beaches and mountain biking sessions on the tracks around the camp. Our Year 10 Outdoor Education Class also had their Marine Studies Camp including surfing and snorkelling sessions and a boat trip to swim with seals in Port Phillip Bay. All up the stats tallied with;

  • 10 Mountain bike rides over three Year 7 Camps
  • 12 Surf sessions across Year 7 & 10 Camps
  • 5 Snorkel Swims (2 with Seals!!!)
  • 11 nights away
  • Countless meals
  • Lots of tired kids and even more smiles!

David Joyce
Outdoor Education Convenor

Peers Program

Social Skill Groups for Young People.

Save the Date

Save the Date

Mother's Day Lunch

Stay tuned for more details.

Uniform Shop News

Holiday Hours

Please note that the uniform shop will be closed over the Easter school holidays from Thursday 28th March 4pm and will return

Thursday 11th April 9am-3pm

Friday 12th April 9am-2pm

Normal trading hours will resume on 

Tuesday 16Th April

We now have the new winter uniform in stock.

For Year 7 fittings a booking is preferred.


Fortnight in Photos

Capturing the fortnight in images.

Deputy Principal's Report

Designed to inform students of their rights and responsibilities and our commitment to a no tolerance approach to bullying.

Shaun Lancashire

Deputy Principal


An Opportunity to Reflect

The end of a school term is an opportunity to reflect, to breathe and to be grateful for all that has happened in our school so far this year.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks of this term I have had the opportunity to present to each year level group on bullying – an important issue that cannot be assumed to not exist in any school setting. It was pleasing to see a positive response to this presentation, which is based on the fundamentals of what bullying is, what to do if you see or experience bullying, and what the school will do in response to issues raised. Furthermore, the presentation is designed to inform students of their rights and responsibilities and our commitment to a no tolerance approach to bullying.

In the second week of Term 2, our musicians will represent the College at the Caulfield RSL, providing the music for their ANZAC day dawn service. All are welcome at this service – the Caulfield RSL provide a moving tribute to fallen soldiers and those that have since passed on. The following day we will have our ANZAC assembly on Friday 26 April. Other dates to note in Term 2 are the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice (Monday May 6) and The Social Justice Walkathon (Friday May 31), which are both important and wonderful community days that are compulsory for all students.

I wish all people connected to the St Mary’s College community a very safe, happy and Holy Easter. I look forward to welcoming our students back for Term 2 on Tuesday 16 April.

Shaun Lancashire

Deputy Principal
