Principals Report

Highlighting HeadStart Week, leadership updates, and acknowledging service on the School Advisory Council.

HeadStart Week

This week our senior students have been participating in HeadStart. As the name implies, HeadStart is a week of classes for our Year 11 and 12 cohort of 2025 to help to prepare them for the year ahead. It is an opportunity to have an introduction to the Study Design, major assessments, and important subject specific vocabulary. We especially welcome a group of new students who have joined us for HeadStart: Nathaniel, Xavier, Ella, Pearl, Sophie, Matilda, Charlotte, and Alanna. We hope that each has experienced the warm welcome that we are so proud of at St Mary’s and that all students have found that this week has been beneficial.

Year Level Leaders 2025

I’m pleased to announce that we will have some new faces join the ranks of our Pastoral Leadership Team in 2025:

  • Year 7 – Ms Lucy Dickson
  • Year 8 – Ms Annie Driver
  • Year 9 – Ms Lucy Waghorn (Lucy joins us from St Kevin’s College where she is the current Year 9 level leader)
  • Year 10 – Mr Nicholas Nedelkovski (Nick joins us from St Bernard’s College where he is the current Year 7 level leader)
  • Year 11 – Mr Brendan Tollit
  • Year 12 – Ms Judy Vandrine
  • Director of Students – Ms Jen Howard
School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council farewells long serving members, Mr Phil Soumilas and Ms Anne Boyle on Monday evening. Both have been very generous in their service over many years and Mr Soumilas has previously held the role as Chair and played a key governance role in the early years of St Mary’s as a new identity was formed. I’d also like to offer thanks for wonderful support to the continuing members: Mr John Sinisgalli (Chair), Ms Annabelle Scanlon, Mr Marc Dixon, Ms Michele Fonseca, Mr Michael Lee, and Mr Brian McAdam. We are seeking suitable replacements for departing members and would welcome an expression of interest from past parents / guardians, or friends of the College. Those with young people currently enrolled at St Mary’s are not eligible for membership.

ACC Leaders Event

Our Captains, Matilda and Jude, and Vice Captains, Maddy and Campbell, joined the student leaders of the other ACC schools on Wednesday night to represent St Mary’s College and make a brief presentation on what makes our school special at the ACC Student Leaders’ Forum at St Bernard’s College. As the only co-educational school in the ACC, we have an obvious point of difference, but it was pleasing to hear our captains talk about our strong sense of belonging and that everyone at St Mary’s feels known, as the things of which they feel most proud.

ACC Coach of the Year

Congratulations to Mr Spencer Harper who has been selected by the coaches as the ACC Intermediate Coach of the Year. Spencer was acknowledged on his commitment to coaching St Mary’s teams in Mixed Netball, Senior Basketball, Intermediate AFL, Junior AFL, Athletics, Cross Country, Intermediate Hockey, and Intermediate Volleyball. Spencer also offered additional training sessions with many teams.

Carols under the Sails

Please join us on Wednesday, December 4 for Carols under the Sails. This tradition brings together our community in Christmas cheer as we gather to sing Christmas carols led by our music students. Carols commence at 6pm. Reserve your spot here.

School Uniform

When we return in 2025 and commence our 5th year as St Mary’s College, it is time to be united in a common uniform. As such, uniform that is branded CBC or PCW will no longer be acceptable. I appreciate that this may require you to update some uniform items, but our transition period needs to come to an end so that we can move forward. Your support in helping to ensure our young people wear their St Mary’s College uniform with pride is appreciated, as it is an important visible symbol of their membership of our community. Details of our uniform requirements and opening times for the uniform shop can be found on our website:

Commencement Dates 2025

School resumes with Welcome Day on Thursday 30th January 2025. Each year level will arrive at their designated times and undertake organisational duties in preparation for the full return to classes on Friday 31st January 2025. More details about the program for the return to school will become available in the coming days.

Darren Atkinson

Deputy Principal

Thank you to the unseen contributors who enrich and support the St Mary’s College community.

Dear St Mary’s College Families,

At a time of the year where all effort and energy goes into ‘finishing up’ the year, I would like to thank and acknowledge those that aren’t often seen by the whole college community as significant contributors, in the way our staff and students are seen each day. They are integral to the fabric of this school, its spirit, and how we live out our values each day.

The Parents & Friends are real ‘doers’ in our school community. It was mentioned at the end of year dinner for this group that many P&F committees of much larger secondary school’s struggle for attendance and profile within the school. That is proudly not the case with this group, who meet twice per term to plan fundraising evenings, Bunnings BBQ fundraisers, attendance at college events such as the walkathon, and management of the second hand uniform shop, to name just a few. After six years at the helm, Ms Jane Leroi will step down as co-chair and Ms Angela Clelland will now accompany Ms Leah Lloyd-Smith as leaders, with Mr Greg Muir (Treasurer) and Mr Julian Donlen (Secretary). Thanks for all this work and effort, as this group continue to see the benefit in engaging directly with the school they entrust with the education of their children. The more the merrier, so please if you are interested in joining the Parents & Friends group, please contact Leah or Angela to find out more.

St Mary’s Primary School and the St Mary’s Parish partner with us every day in the delivery of Catholic education in this precinct. As well as key staff – Cathy (Principal) and Anthony (Deputy Principal), all our colleagues ‘across the road’ work seamlessly with us as neighbours and friends. Fr. Jerome continues to be a great presence and source of wisdom and leadership. We thank him for his dedication to St. Mary’s Church and our school. On a personal note, I wish the Deputy Principal at St Mary’s PS, Anthony Speranza, all the best with the next phase of his career as he moves to St Patrick’s PS in Mentone as Deputy Principal next year.

I look forward to celebrating the end of the year with the Year 11 and 12 (2025) HeadStart group on Friday 29 November with Mass in the morning, and the junior year levels next Friday 6 December with Liturgy and prayer.

Shaun Lancashire 
Deputy Principal 

Director of Students

Introducing our Y10 Class Captains.

Introducing our Y10 Class Captains

Year 10 is a year of transition, where students start preparing for VCE or VM by choosing subjects that align with their interests and future goals. It can be a time of increased academic pressure, as the workload intensifies and decisions about your future feel more important. While it offers more independence and the chance to explore subjects, it can also be challenging with the uncertainty of what path to take and the balance between study, extracurriculars, and social life.

During 2025, the cohort has been fortunate to be led by our three Year 10 Class Captains. In Year 10, student leadership means being an active member of Student Voice, helping to organise events, and supporting younger students. It's a valuable opportunity to develop responsibility and leadership skills in preparation for senior roles in the years ahead.

As we approach the end of the 2024 academic year, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to our Year 10 Class Captains and wish them the best of luck as they transition into their Year 11 VCE or VM studies.

Maya Taifernopoulos (10 Ryan)

Starting at St Mary’s College as a Year 7 student in 2021, Maya has enjoyed being able to have a voice in the St Mary's community and speak for her peers when it comes to issues at the school. She has also enjoyed being able to participate in school activities.

For Maya, her key achievements as a leader have included contributing to International Women's Day, developing ideas for a new student newsletter and the use of student notice boards for all year levels to keep up to date with their weekly information. In 2025, Maya is keen to develop a peer support program for our Year 7 students.

In Year 11, Maya is most looking forward to being able to strengthen herself as a leader at the College. She is also looking forward to seeing how the College will develop as one campus and the bonds that will be made through being together.

Hugo Boddington (10 Treacy)

Hugo moved to St Marys College at the start of Year 9 in 2023.

As Class Captain, Hugo has really enjoyed having the chance to contribute to discussions that impact the College community. Hugo believes it has been really rewarding to bring up issues in a circle of likeminded students and work on finding solutions. As a growing College, Hugo believes it’s exciting to be witness to the visible change. Hugo is keen to see the College grow as a more academic, social and high performing school, in sport and other extracurriculars.

During his time as Class Captain, Hugo has worked on a number of successful initiatives, such as R U OK Day and IDAHOBIT. Attending fortnightly meetings, Hugo has been able to discuss improvements, make suggestions and take in feedback from my peers, which is then shared with teachers and other members of Student Voice. Hugo’s suggestions have included work on uniforms, a potential buddy systems and year level noticeboards. These suggestions are an excellent way to further strengthen our overall sense of community at the College.

Hugo is enthusiastic about Year 11 and Head Start. Like the rest of his Year 10 cohort, he is looking forward to starting his VCE study. Hugo believes Year 11 offers all students a chance to reaffirm goals to promote going to university and success in life beyond the College. Hugo believes, ‘it is a time to self-assess and consider the things that matter, the things you are good at, and the person you want to become’. Although Hugo will not have any classes with his best friends, he thinks this is exciting because it reflects the individuality of all of cohort, and how their education is starting to mirror their individuality.

Dylan Collett (10 Walsh)

Dylan started at St Mary’s College in 2020 as a Year 7 student.

As a Class Captain, Dylan has enjoyed using his leadership skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. He takes pride in being a point of contact for his homeroom teachers, whether it's introducing new students, supporting primary school children, or helping to coordinate class activities. These experiences have allowed him to develop his ability to lead, motivate others, and take initiative in a variety of situations.

As a Class Captain Dylan has demonstrated success as a leader in helping to organise College events and becoming someone his classmates can rely on.

Next year, Dylan is mostly looking forward to participating in community activities such as ACC Volleyball. Definitely not his exams!

Jen Howard 
Director of Students

St Mary’s College House Name Change

We are excited to announce that we will be renaming our College Houses!

St Mary’s College House Name Change

St Mary’s College has undergone significant change since its foundation, including becoming a coeducational institution and bringing our school community together on one campus. As part of our continued evolution and to further develop our identity as St Mary’s College, we are excited to announce that we will be moving to rename our College Houses.

To make this process a reflection of our community, we set a challenge for our students. In Term 3, we invited all students to participate in a competition to suggest new names for the Houses, with the goal of selecting names that represent the core values of Respect, Justice, Compassion, Inclusivity, and Courage.

We would like to extend thanks to all students who participated in this competition. There were many creative suggestions including the use of aboriginal placenames, or key people from the founding story of the Christian Brothers and Presentation Sisters, and even a Harry Potter theme. After careful consideration of each entry, we are pleased to announce that the winning submission comes from Joaquin Majcen (Year 9 Ryan).

Joaquin Majcen

Joaquin’s entry stood out for its focus on celebrating and honouring some of the most influential Indigenous Australians. His research was thorough, with each individual carefully selected based on their achievements and how they align with the core values of the College.

We will continue our discernment process during the EREA Renewal early next year and seek input from other stakeholders before officially renaming the St Mary’s College Houses. In the meantime, Joaquin has provided us with an excellent foundation, honouring the connections to influential Indigenous Australians.

We would like to sincerely thank Joaquin for his outstanding work and congratulate him on his achievement in this competition.

Jen Howard
Director of Students

Director of Music

It's been a ridiculously busy several weeks for the music department!

It's been a ridiculously busy several weeks for the music department (as it has been for every department!) It is always a busy time of year for musicians, and the students have worked very hard and done very well.

Last Wednesday the 20th of November, the Year 12's had their final graduation mass in the St Mary's Catholic Church. Thank you so much to the wonderful collection of instrumental staff and students singing and playing the hymns. A big thank you to Jessica Mensen for playing the organ and leading the congregation.

This week the students recorded their Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) and Rockschool Exams. This involves learning pieces and technical exercises, then recording a performance and sending it off for grades and feedback. It is a great way for students to set goals, monitor their progress and receive recognition for their hard work. This is a nationally recognised exam which is great for students getting into external programs, such as the Melbourne Youth Orchestras or Rock Band Camps.

This Thursday is the End of Year Music Concert and Art & Design Exhibit, up in Logue Hall. The VAPA departments have been working tirelessly to create and rehearse a fantastic program which will showcase our talented students.

Next Wednesday is the St Mary's College and Community Christmas Carols, under the sails outside the music department. The weather is looking wonderful, and there is a rumour that a certain bearded fellow from the North Pole will be in attendance, so come along, bring your food and best singing voices, and enjoy the evening.

Katie Thomas
Director of Music

Visit of Bishop Ireland

Our students listened carefully and used this special time together to offer thanks for the year that has passed and to pray for a safe holiday and healthy return in 2025.

It was a great privilege to have Auxiliary Bishop Southern Region, Bishop Tony Ireland, preside over our End of Year Mass for senior students at St Mary's Church today. Bishop Tony offered a homily that resonated with our community as, in reflecting on today's readings, he offered a personal story about his experience with a person who was living on the streets of Melbourne on a bitterly cold day this winter. He challenged those present: "you can't fix our homeless issue, but you can make a difference to one person". Our students listened carefully and used this special time together to offer thanks for the year that has passed and to pray for a safe holiday and healthy return in 2025.

Bishop Tony joined our Prefect Team for morning tea following mass and was curious about Head Start Week and the prescribed holiday reading in particular. Thanks to Bishop Tony, Father Zsout, Paul Quinn and Katie Thomas for preparing the mass, and to our young people for participating fully.

Darren Atkinson 

Thanking our Student Ambassadors

The real heroes of our Talk and Tours are our Student Ambassadors.

We conducted our final Talk and Tour for 2024 this week and, with nearly 1000 visitors this year, they have been a resounding success. The real heroes of our Talk and Tours are our Student Ambassadors and the feedback from our visitors is always glowing regarding the way our young people speak so proudly of their school. We thanked our ambassadors with a pizza lunch this week. A huge thank you to David Formosa, Jo Warr and Amy Culpitt who coordinate our tours.

Darren Atkinson 

ACC Junior Tennis

We would like to congratulate out ACC Junior Tennis team on their incredible efforts throughout the season.

After an undefeated season that highlighted the undeniable talent of our junior tennis team, we regret to report that the journey came to a bittersweet end in the Grande Final last Thursday. Despite their exceptional performance throughout the season, the team faced a tough loss to Emmanuel in what turned out to be a hard-fought and thrilling finale.

We would like to congratulate out ACC Junior Tennis team on their incredible efforts throughout the season.

Our School in Images

Capturing Our school in Photos

Carols Under the Sails

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Join us for a magical evening of Christmas cheer at Carols under the Sails on Wednesday, December 4! 

This cherished tradition begins at 6pm — secure your spot now to celebrate the season with our vibrant community: 

Reserve your place here or use the QR code below. Don’t miss out on this heartwarming event!

2024 Lumina Edition 18 - 29 Nov 2024

Thanking our Student Ambassadors

The real heroes of our Talk and Tours are our Student Ambassadors.


We conducted our final Talk and Tour for 2024 this week and, with nearly 1000 visitors this year, they have been a resounding success. The real heroes of our Talk and Tours are our Student Ambassadors and the feedback from our visitors is always glowing regarding the way our young people speak so proudly of their school. We thanked our ambassadors with a pizza lunch this week. A huge thank you to David Formosa, Jo Warr and Amy Culpitt who coordinate our tours.

Darren Atkinson 