Principal's Report

The graduating class of 2024 have witnessed a period of significant change and the evolution of the St Mary’s College identity and have shown themselves to be resilient and resourceful, characteristics that will serve them well as adults.

College Captains and Prefects

It was my great pleasure to meet each of the candidates for College Captain last week and hear about their aspirations and vision for our school. Following these interviews and the voting of peers and staff, I am pleased to announce that Matilda Phyland and Jude Fitzgerald are our 2025 College Captains, with Madeline Gournas and Campbell Lavender in the roles as Vice Captains. The captains are members of an outstanding student leadership team whish also comprises Joel Farrar, Liam Harrison, Thais Murray, Eva O’Keeffe, Amalia Ryan, and Tomasz Tamowicz. These students commenced their leadership journey on Wednesday by attending a training day for leaders hosted by the ACC. Thank you to all students who expressed interest in a leadership role and congratulations to those who have been elected.

Final Assembly

Our community gathered for the last time with our Year 12s on Thursday to acknowledge that they are approaching the culmination of their secondary schooling and celebrate their contribution to St Mary’s College. Each pastoral group processed into Logue Hall and students were welcomed by name and applauded. Our College Captains, Mackenzie and Geremy, addressed the school community for the last time and reflected on their time at St Mary’s. The graduating class of 2024 have witnessed a period of significant change and the evolution of the St Mary’s College identity and have shown themselves to be resilient and resourceful, characteristics that will serve them well as adults. Ms Justine Heath from EREA VSL Board attended as a special guest.

Primary School Visits

Students from St Mary’s Primary and Trinity Primary visited us this week to have a day learning about life in a secondary school. Amongst a range of activities in the areas of science, health and physical education and technology, the students had the opportunity to prepare their own pizza lunch in our new kitchens. There was great fun had and many smiling faces. Thank you to our primary school partners for supporting this initiative, and to the team at St Mary’s who facilitated the day. Over the next few weeks, we will repeat the experience with students from other primary schools in the region.

School Uniform

Our recent move to one campus is an important milestone in the short St Mary’s College story and a great opportunity to reset and clarify our high expectations. Moving into summer uniform (and going forward) we expect all students to be wearing the St Mary’s College uniform. It symbolises that we belong to a community and that we are proud of our identity. There has been some confusion about uniform requirements especially as they relate to wearing of items associated with CBC and PCW, so please find attached a link to a brochure that clarifies our uniform expectations, and we thank you for your support in providing the correct uniform items.

Darren Atkinson 

Deputy Principal

Congratulations to the class of 2024 on what you have achieved thus far. You should be proud for now and expect a calmer sense of accomplishment in the weeks to come.

Dear St Mary’s College Families,

Term 4 is upon us and we very quickly start to feel the end of the year approaching.

This week we celebrate the end of formal classes for our Year 12 students. This cohort have been able to reflect on their years at St Mary’s and their entire 13 year schooling journey with friends, teachers and class mates they maybe don’t know well that they will surely miss.

It has been a theme of recent days to remind the graduating class that they are still quite some way from ‘finishing’. The VM students are still finalising assessments and the VCE students are studying for exams. And all students are having to navigate how to do that without losing sight of the purpose of it all – to set yourself up for the next phase of life. This is a challenging time that will ultimately be very rewarding.

Our students undoubtedly enter their exams well prepared by their teachers as well as their own effort and diligence. I suggest to my Year 12 class to be demanding of me as their teacher and of themselves. Congratulations to the class of 2024 on what you have achieved thus far. You should be proud for now and expect a calmer sense of accomplishment in the weeks to come.

Following this significant final chapter, we will start to see Year 10 and Year 11 classes finish, exams in those year levels conducted, and the process of Year 10 and 11 students having one week of classes in the next year level take place. We title this period ‘headstart’, as it is explicitly designed to connect classes with their Year 11 and 12 teacher (where possible) and to the content of the subjects they have selected to make up their VCE or VM program in 2025.

Finally, I would like to thank and congratulate the St Mary’s College Prefect Team of 2024 and welcome the Prefect Team of 2025 into their positions. I am confident that the team of leaders in place will serve this community with passion, integrity and a sense of purpose throughout 2025.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Director of Learning and Teaching

This is just the beginning.

A Community of Support: Walking with Our Year 12

As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey of our Year 12 students—a journey that has been marked by both challenges and growth, culminating now as they prepare for their VCE exams. This moment is not just an academic milestone but a deeply transformative experience that calls upon the values we hold dear as a community.

The classroom may now be quieter, but the work ahead is significant. Our students are stepping into a critical phase of their lives, where their dedication, faith, and resilience will guide them towards the future. In many ways, this journey reflects the words of St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians: “Run in such a way as to win the prize” (1 Corinthians 9:24). The prize here is not merely success in exams but the reward of having given their best effort, of having grown in wisdom and character.

Standing Together as a Community

The strength of St. Mary’s College lies in the unity of our community. Parents, teachers, friends, and mentors have all played a vital role in shaping the students who now stand before us, ready to embark on this final leg of their VCE journey. Our collective support is needed now more than ever.

Parents and caregivers, your patience, encouragement, and steadfast belief in your children have been an anchor for them. Teachers, your wisdom, guidance, and dedication have not only prepared them academically but nurtured their moral and spiritual development. Together, we have equipped these young men and women to face the future with courage.

Practical Tips for Exam Preparation

As our students approach this significant time, there are a few practical ways we can help them stay focused and grounded:

  1. Intentional Preparation – As Augustine so wisely observed, “The mind commands the body and it obeys. The mind commands itself and meets resistance.” Encourage students to prepare their minds not just by reviewing content but by creating realistic study plans that allow for rest and reflection. Consistency in preparation leads to clarity and confidence in performance.
  2.  Active Recall and Practice – Let us guide them towards methods that reinforce their learning, such as active recall, practice exams, and teaching others. These strategies help consolidate knowledge and develop the mental agility needed to face any question.
  3.  Holistic Wellbeing – As the pressures of exams mount, remind students of the importance of caring for both body and soul. Adequate sleep, healthy eating, andmoments of prayer or mindfulness can renew their energy and keep them centered. As St. Ignatius of Loyola reminds us, “Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.”
  4. Trust in the Process – Our students have come this far through dedication and effort. Now is the time to trust in that process. Whatever the outcome, the growth they have experienced at St. Mary’s will serve them for life. As they stand at this threshold, we remind them of the words of Julian of Norwich: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”
A Heartfelt Thanks

This time is also an opportunity for us to express our gratitude. To our teachers—your commitment to educating both the minds and hearts of our students has been extraordinary. To our parents and families—your unwavering support, love, and sacrifice have laid the foundation for their success.

And to our Year 12 students—your determination, strength, and faith have brought you to this moment. We are incredibly proud of the young people you have become, and we are confident that you will carry the values of St. Mary’s into the world beyond our gates.

The Road Ahead

As our students prepare to take this next step, we remind them that they are not alone. God walks with them, as does the St. Mary’s community. We place our trust in the words of the prophet Jeremiah: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

This is just the beginning. We send you forward with the knowledge that, through faith, hard work, and community, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

Daniel Di Lisio
Director of Learning and Teaching

Director of Students

Our Year 9 students participated in a Consent workshop led by Elephant Ed.

This week, as part of our Pastoral Care program, our Year 9 students participated in a Consent workshop led by Elephant Ed.

Consent is defined as a person's free and voluntary agreement to engage in an interaction. Addressing this topic can be challenging, which is why the workshop aimed to help our students understand and navigate the following key areas:

  • Legal aspects: Understanding age of consent and the concept of free agreement
  • Key elements: Recognising both verbal and nonverbal communication necessary for valid consent
  • Media analysis: Critically examining how consent is portrayed in various media
  • Respecting boundaries: Emphasizing the importance of personal limits
  • Seeking help: Identifying resources for support when needed

By partnering with specialists like Elephant Ed, we ensured that the information presented was relevant, engaging, and accurate. A helpful acronym introduced during the workshop is FRIES, which stands for:

Freely given

The goal of these workshops is to empower our students to make informed, safe, and positive decisions regarding consent and relationships.
Following the workshop our Year 9 students were surveyed, and the results were as follows: 

  • 97% of students feel more informed on the topic of consent
  • 91% of students feel as though there is someone they can talk to about consent 

For more information on Elephant Ed, please visit

If you would like additional support and resources for discussing consent with your child, visit 

Jen Howard 
Directors of Students

Welcoming our local Primary Schools to St Mary's College

Primary Students Experience Secondary School Life at St Mary's College

Primary Students Experience Secondary School Life at St Mary's College

We were delighted to welcome Grade 4 students from both St Mary's Primary School, East St Kilda, and Trinity Primary School, Richmond, for a day of engaging activities at St Mary's College. 

The students enjoyed hands-on experiences in Science, Food Technology, and Physical Education, exploring different subjects with great enthusiasm. These sessions allowed them to get a taste of what learning is like in a secondary school environment. 

It was wonderful to see their excitement, and we hope to continue building strong connections with our local primary schools.

David Formosa
Director of Development

Music Department

St Mary’s music students went back to school a little earlier than most, with six attending the D2 Drumline National Music Camp on the last weekend of the holidays.

National Drum Camp

St Mary’s music students went back to school a little earlier than most, with six attending the D2 Drumline National Music Camp on the last weekend of the holidays. The camp this year was held at our very own school, with over 50 students and staff in attendance. The camp has such a high caliber, founded by Campbell Phillips and has been running for 12 years. It has attracted overseas stars like Ralph Nader from New York, who played for Beyoncé, and Chelsea Levine from Tennessee who founded Seavine.

Congratulations to Jake Lehpamer, Lachy Cameron, Lila Charewicz, Zach Holland and Botao Power. A special congratulations to Natalia Penna who won the first prize of a Mapex Snare Drum for her practice and commitment to the camp.

Year 12 VCE music recitals

Good luck to our year 12’s as they prepare for their final VCE performance recitals over the next few weeks. Their hard work and dedication will pay off and we are so proud of them.
The year 11’s and 10’s are preparing for the 4th St Mary’s Music Recital in a few weeks. Happy practicing!

Katie Thomas 
Department of Music

Legal Studies Excursion

The Yr 11 Legal Studies class were able to see firsthand where laws are made with their visit to Parliament House.

Legal Studies excursion
Learning about how laws are made and then interpreted can be quite dry. However the Yr 11 Legal Studies class were able to see first hand where laws are made with their visit to Parliament House. They were given a tour and saw first hand where laws are debated and then enacted. They then were able to see how laws are interpreted by participating in a mock trial. They participated in the jury empanelment process and then acted as jury members to determine the outcome of a case. Mr Vassiliou and I were impressed with how all the students participated in the day and represented the school with immense pride.

Eva, who is an aspiring lawyer, has written an account of the visit

Last Friday, the Year 11 Legal Studies cohort had the privilege of visiting two iconic institutions central to Victoria’s legal and parliamentary system. Our first stop was The Victorian Parliament House, where we were given an insightful tour by Julie; witnessing the grand architecture and learning about the legislative process. Walking through the halls where important decisions have and will be made brought our classroom lessons to life, making us appreciate the role of democracy in our state.
In the afternoon, we headed to the County Court to participate in a mock trial organised by Juries Victoria. This interactive, hands-on experience allowed us to step into the shoes of jurors, lawyers, and witnesses, giving us a firsthand understanding of the judicial process. It was an eye-opening experience that highlighted the importance of fairness and equality in the legal system. Many of us left with a newfound appreciation of how justice is served.

This excursion was not only educational but also a memorable experience, helping us better understand how laws and decisions impact our daily lives.

Sylvia Pastore

Leidos Excursion

A group of excited female students attended Leidos to explore what opportunities await them after their life at St Mary's.

Explore Careers aims to provide students with opportunities to explore careers in STEM and IT. We were invited to bring a group of students to see what opportunities exist for females in these areas as currently females only occupy 15% of STEM and IT positions. A group of excited female students attended Leidos to explore what opportunities await them after their life at St Mary's. They participated in a few activities and were able to learn more about Leidos which is a Fortune 500 company that aimed in developing innovative solutions across a range of critical environments.

It was great to receive the following feedback from the organisations about how our students presented themselves: 
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for your attendance at yesterday’s event. It was a pleasure to see you, your supporting teachers, and your students. Please pass on my compliments to all your students; their behaviour throughout the day was excellent.

We encourage all students to take advantage of such opportunities we have by participating in the lunchtime IT club and the various excursions on offer to see what a career in STEM and IT can offer.

Sylvia Pastore 

Mathematics Department

Congratulations to William Morrow.

Congratulations to William Morrow of 9 Walsh for being granted a place in the Melbourne University Micro Mathematicians Year 9/10 programme.
William will engage in a number of activities such as modelling and simulation, oral presentations, data analysis and game theory to name a few.
We know that he will be a fantastic ambassador for our school always demonstrating respect, dedication and a curious mind to learn

Eddie Cavolo

School Musical 2025

In 2025, St. Mary’s College is proud to announce that we will be performing the smash hit ABBA musical ‘Mamma Mia’ as our full school production.


In 2025, St. Mary’s College is proud to announce that we will be performing the smash hit ABBA musical ‘Mamma Mia’ as our full school production.

Students from years 7-12 are encouraged to audition to be a part of this exiting musical which is scheduled to be performed in late July.

If you do not want to be on the stage but are keen to be a part of our show, there are numerous roles for crew, backstage technicians and musicians.

More information to come soon!

Brendan Tollit 
Year 12 Pastoral Care Leader

Graduate Tutoring Program

As exam season approaches, the Graduate Tutoring Program at St Mary’s College is here to help.

Graduate Tutoring Program: A Perfect Way to Prep for Exams

As exam season approaches, the Graduate Tutoring Program at St Mary’s College is here to help students prepare and excel. Led by two members of the 2023 graduating class, this program offers valuable academic support on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in the College Library.

No registration is required, and the tutoring is free, making it an easy way for students across all year levels to drop in for assistance with homework, assignments, or exam preparation. The tutors are on hand to provide personalised help, from solving complex math problems to offering feedback on essays. They also share their own experiences, providing practical advice on balancing study and personal life.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to build confidence and get exam-ready!

David Formosa
Director of Development

Come and Support our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

We invite all families to come along and support our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraiser on Sunday, 27 October

Support Our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle!

We invite all families to come along and support our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraiser on Sunday, 27 October, at Bunnings Port Melbourne. This is a fantastic opportunity to help raise funds for the College and enjoy a classic BBQ with the community.

If you're unable to attend, we’d greatly appreciate donations of cans of soft drink to be sold on the day. All contributions will help make the event a success. Donations can be left at reception.

Thank you for your support, and we hope to see you there!

David Formosa
Director of Development

Fortnight in Photos

Our Wonderful School in Images

2024 Lumina Edition 15 - 18 Oct 2024

Welcoming our local Primary Schools to St Mary's College

Primary Students Experience Secondary School Life at St Mary's College

David Formosa

Director of Development


Primary Students Experience Secondary School Life at St Mary's College

We were delighted to welcome Grade 4 students from both St Mary's Primary School, East St Kilda, and Trinity Primary School, Richmond, for a day of engaging activities at St Mary's College. 

The students enjoyed hands-on experiences in Science, Food Technology, and Physical Education, exploring different subjects with great enthusiasm. These sessions allowed them to get a taste of what learning is like in a secondary school environment. 

It was wonderful to see their excitement, and we hope to continue building strong connections with our local primary schools.

David Formosa
Director of Development
