Principal's Report

“It is good people who make good places,”

“It is good people who make good places,” wrote Anne Sewell, author of Black Beauty, and as I reflect upon the warmth of my welcome at St Mary’s College, I can see that she was on to something. The first couple of weeks of my tenure has been a whirlwind, but with each day and the vast array of events that launch a new academic year, I find myself being drawn into a community that wants to connect. It has been a pleasure to meet students who are confident and articulate, willing to share their time with you; parents and caregivers who have been quite deliberate in their choice of school because of its unique attributes; and staff who are passionate about Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition.

I was humbled by the honour bestowed upon me at our Commissioning Mass. With an array of special guests, including Mr Andy Kuppe (EREA Director of Victorian Schools), Mr John Sinisgalli (School Advisory Council Chair) and led by Father Jerome, the ceremony held gravitas and the students listened intently. Our Prefects were also commissioned with me, and I congratulate each on their willingness to commit to the service of their peers and the College community.

It was an opportunity to talk to the students about bringing about positive change in our world, something that I am sure is as overwhelming for them as it is for us adults. In the fable I shared, an elderly man is seen throwing starfish back into the sea following a violent storm the previous night. The beach is strewn with the stranded starfish as far as the eye can see and a cheeky observer mocks the old man on the enormity of the task. He says: “Fool, how can you think you are making a difference?” With that, the old man picks up another starfish, checks that it is alive and throws it back into the sea, “Made a difference to that one,” he replies. It’s a story about changing our world one person at a time.

We welcomed our Year 7 students and their families last Thursday. Following their Formation Day in which the students learnt the founding story of the College that shapes our values, they returned for mass in the beautiful St Mary’s Church. It was a pleasure to be able to meet several families during the evening to hear something of their aspirations for their young person. There were interesting observations being shared about the journey to and from school and the diversity of the communities from which our students originate. It was clear to me that this was seen as a source of “richness” and an acknowledgement that learning is not cloistered behind the school gate. Our youngest community members have had the benefit of an amazing team of Transition Assistants, selected from last year's Prefects, to guide them as they navigate the first weeks of secondary school. These young leaders are about to depart for the next important stage of their lives and go with great thanks and best wishes.

In a busy couple of weeks, we have also managed to stage our House Athletics Carnival at Lakeside Stadium which was conducted in great spirit; we had a great turn out at the first Parents and Friends meeting for the year and commenced our preparations for Easter with Ash Wednesday liturgies. We also had our Prefects lead the first Talk and Tour for 2024 on Tuesday. It is so important that prospective families get to hear about our school from our students as this adds a human face to what is otherwise bricks and mortar. Similarly, your recommendation is incredibly powerful in raising awareness of what we are offering and bringing us to the attention of those seeking Catholic co-education for their children.

Finally, our School Advisory Council met on Monday night, and it was a pleasure to welcome back Mr Michael Lee, Acting Principal in 2023, as a member. The School Advisory Council is chaired by Mr John Sinisgalli and includes Ms Annabelle Scanlon (Deputy Chair), Ms Anne Boyle, Mr Phillip Soumilas, Mr Marc Dixon and Mr Brian McAdam. In attendance are staff members Mr Shaun Lancashire, Mr Tristan McGlade and Ms Juliet Cerolini. The council is strongly committed to supporting the leadership team of St Mary's College as we work to create a place where young people can flourish. I look forward to keeping you updated on progress at the College in future editions including the exciting capital redevelopment of the Edmund Rice Campus in preparation for our uniting in Term 4.

Darren Atkinson

Deputy Principal's Report


Looking over the past two weeks, St Mary’s College has been a busy place. In thinking about all the activities, briefly summarised below, one theme emerged – Belonging. It is intentional that the start of the school year provides a multitude of opportunities for all members of our community to begin or refresh their connection with each other and with the school. Our Student Voice committee and Prefect Team often state that belonging to an inclusive community is what they find as the most identifiable aspect of being a St Mary’s College student.

Last Monday we had our first Parents & Friends meeting for the year. The turnout was among the highest experienced in recent years, with some parents opting to join online and extra chairs being brought into the Presentation Campus boardroom for those that attended in person. It was a great opportunity, in an intimate setting, for parents to hear from Darren Atkinson, our new Principal, as well as other key members of staff on what lay ahead for the College in 2024.

Year 7 PAT testing took place in the first full week of classes, as a way of collecting some baseline data on our youngest students. This data is analysed and used by staff to plan for individual student needs, learning support and academic extension.

The school year also commenced with our opening school liturgy, which included the investiture of the Year 12 Prefects and presentation of their badges (blessed by Fr. Jerome Santamaria), and the commissioning of College Principal, Mr Darren Atkinson by representatives of the major stakeholders within the school.

Time & Space are an organisation that run our Year 7 Mother / Mentor evening later in the year, and our Year 8 Father / mentor evening in February. In preparation for the upcoming Year 8 event, all students in the year level wrote personalised cards of invitation to the person they want to accompany them to this evening. It is hoped that all students in Year 8 will be in attendance with their dad or mentor, which could be their mum, uncle, older sibling etc.

The Year 7 Welcome Mass, BBQ and information evening was held last week, for the families of our Year 7 students to be collectively ‘inducted’ into St Mary’s College. At the Mass, the touchstones of Edmund Rice Education Australia were brought forth prior to a lovely Mass celebrated by Fr. Jerome, who shared some thoughts on the connection of young people to their faith and educational journey. The information evening was a deliberately low-key event, with so much information being sent home late last year and early in 2024. It was an opportunity for families to meet their daughter or sons Pastoral Care teacher and have some of their questions about the school answered.

The house athletics carnival was held last Friday. All students exhibited great spirit and support for their house – cheering on peers and other students of all year levels throughout the day. Congratulations to all involved in the day.

On Wednesday we held campus-based Ash Wednesday services for all students and staff. Students received ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross with a blessing to mark the start of Lent, the period of 40 days leading up to Easter. In the Catholic tradition, Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and charity. Our students were called to consider how they might engage in one or all of these actions during Lent.

The Year 12 Retreat was held on Thursday. Year 12 students being given this time at the start of the year to consider their place in the world and how they can use the remaining time they have at school to build more than an impressive set of assessable knowledge, is the intention of the day. Thanks to all students present and the many staff involved that made this a special day.

A reminder that there is a zero tolerance approach to bullying at St Mary’s College. It is a Child Safety matter that must be reported and must be acted upon. Parents and students are encouraged to use the below email address to report bullying incidents:

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Director of Identity - Lent has Begun

Prayer for Lent

God who walks with us, be our guide this Lent.

Sustain us in our fasting,

inspire us in our praying, lead us in our giving.

May we support the work of Caritas Australia,

walking shoulder to shoulder

with our sisters and brothers around the world

until all live life in fullness.

We pray in the name of Christ. Amen.

Lent has begun!

This week our College gathered for an Ash Wednesday Liturgy to mark the beginning of 40 days where we focus on prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

During Lent, St Mary’s College supports the work of Caritas Australia. We do this by raising funds to support those most in need in our world; last year Caritas directly helped 800, 000 people through funds raised during Lent. It is also a time for us to grow in understanding for those in our community who live on the margins.

Caritas launched the Lenten appeal at Academy of Mary Immaculate College on Shrove Tuesday. Six students represented our school and participated in the liturgy led by our Archbishop. During the liturgy, Archbishop Peter commissioned student leaders. Nick Aiton, College Vice Captain Social Justice received a Caritas candle and responded ‘I will’ to the Archbishops questions.

Archbishop Peter remined those gathered that we have all been chosen, called, and sent forth by God to love and serve those most in need.

St Mary's College students with Archbishop Comensoli. James Cappola Yr10, Zoe Taylor Yr12, Nick Aiton Yr 12, Stefanie Edwards Yr10, Charlotte Richards Yr 12 and Athena Anastasopoulos

Kate Johnston
Director of Identity

Transition Assistants

A Heartfelt Farewell to Our Transition Assistants

Today, we bid a fond farewell to a group of exceptional individuals who played a pivotal role in shaping the transition experience for our Year 7 students. Seven bright and dedicated members of the 2023 Graduating Class generously dedicated the first two weeks of the 2024 school year to support our newest members.

  • Ethan Oyston
  • Luc Bunde
  • Mitchell Hoskin
  • Ruby Fitzgerald
  • Raj Johnston
  • Sabrina Lehpamer
  • Spencer Slaney

These Transition Assistants showcased incredible leadership, empathy, and a genuine commitment to making the journey from primary to secondary school a seamless and positive experience. Their insights, guidance, and friendly faces have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on our Year 7 students.

As we express our deepest gratitude to these outstanding individuals who showed compassion, mentorship, and a shared commitment to nurturing a supportive environment for all.

To our Transition Assistants, thank you for being beacons of inspiration and sources of comfort for our Year 7s. Your legacy will undoubtedly endure in the hearts of those you've helped guide during this important transition.

David Formosa
Director of Development

Academic Scholarship Exam

Academic Scholarship

Book your seat on Saturday, March 16, 2024, for the St Mary's College Academic Scholarship Exam! 

Discover an opportunity to showcase your academic excellence and be part of our vibrant and distinguished community. 

Secure your spot and take the first step toward a future of educational excellence at St Mary's College!

David Formosa
Director of Development

Parents and Friends

A Vibrant Start: St Mary's College Parents and Friends First Meeting

Dear St Mary's College Community,

The atmosphere was buzzing with enthusiasm at our recent Parents and Friends first meeting, as both familiar and countless new faces filled the room. It was a joyous occasion that underscored the strong sense of community that defines St Mary's.

Our new Principal, Mr. Darren Atkinson, took the opportunity to share his vision and extend a warm welcome to all. With heartfelt words, he emphasised the importance of collaboration and the invaluable role parents play in enhancing the school experience for our students.

The meeting set the stage for an exciting year ahead, with plans for engaging events, meaningful initiatives, and opportunities for everyone to get involved. As we navigate this journey together, stay tuned for upcoming events that promise to strengthen our bonds and contribute to the vibrant St Mary's College community spirit.

Stay connected, stay engaged!

Warm Regards,

Jane Leroi and Leah Lloyd-Smith
Co Chairs

Lake Mungo Immersion - Information Night Year 9 and 10 Students

Fortnight in Photos

Community News

Principal's Report

Darren Atkinson

College Principal


“It is good people who make good places,”

“It is good people who make good places,” wrote Anne Sewell, author of Black Beauty, and as I reflect upon the warmth of my welcome at St Mary’s College, I can see that she was on to something. The first couple of weeks of my tenure has been a whirlwind, but with each day and the vast array of events that launch a new academic year, I find myself being drawn into a community that wants to connect. It has been a pleasure to meet students who are confident and articulate, willing to share their time with you; parents and caregivers who have been quite deliberate in their choice of school because of its unique attributes; and staff who are passionate about Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition.

I was humbled by the honour bestowed upon me at our Commissioning Mass. With an array of special guests, including Mr Andy Kuppe (EREA Director of Victorian Schools), Mr John Sinisgalli (School Advisory Council Chair) and led by Father Jerome, the ceremony held gravitas and the students listened intently. Our Prefects were also commissioned with me, and I congratulate each on their willingness to commit to the service of their peers and the College community.

It was an opportunity to talk to the students about bringing about positive change in our world, something that I am sure is as overwhelming for them as it is for us adults. In the fable I shared, an elderly man is seen throwing starfish back into the sea following a violent storm the previous night. The beach is strewn with the stranded starfish as far as the eye can see and a cheeky observer mocks the old man on the enormity of the task. He says: “Fool, how can you think you are making a difference?” With that, the old man picks up another starfish, checks that it is alive and throws it back into the sea, “Made a difference to that one,” he replies. It’s a story about changing our world one person at a time.

We welcomed our Year 7 students and their families last Thursday. Following their Formation Day in which the students learnt the founding story of the College that shapes our values, they returned for mass in the beautiful St Mary’s Church. It was a pleasure to be able to meet several families during the evening to hear something of their aspirations for their young person. There were interesting observations being shared about the journey to and from school and the diversity of the communities from which our students originate. It was clear to me that this was seen as a source of “richness” and an acknowledgement that learning is not cloistered behind the school gate. Our youngest community members have had the benefit of an amazing team of Transition Assistants, selected from last year's Prefects, to guide them as they navigate the first weeks of secondary school. These young leaders are about to depart for the next important stage of their lives and go with great thanks and best wishes.

In a busy couple of weeks, we have also managed to stage our House Athletics Carnival at Lakeside Stadium which was conducted in great spirit; we had a great turn out at the first Parents and Friends meeting for the year and commenced our preparations for Easter with Ash Wednesday liturgies. We also had our Prefects lead the first Talk and Tour for 2024 on Tuesday. It is so important that prospective families get to hear about our school from our students as this adds a human face to what is otherwise bricks and mortar. Similarly, your recommendation is incredibly powerful in raising awareness of what we are offering and bringing us to the attention of those seeking Catholic co-education for their children.

Finally, our School Advisory Council met on Monday night, and it was a pleasure to welcome back Mr Michael Lee, Acting Principal in 2023, as a member. The School Advisory Council is chaired by Mr John Sinisgalli and includes Ms Annabelle Scanlon (Deputy Chair), Ms Anne Boyle, Mr Phillip Soumilas, Mr Marc Dixon and Mr Brian McAdam. In attendance are staff members Mr Shaun Lancashire, Mr Tristan McGlade and Ms Juliet Cerolini. The council is strongly committed to supporting the leadership team of St Mary's College as we work to create a place where young people can flourish. I look forward to keeping you updated on progress at the College in future editions including the exciting capital redevelopment of the Edmund Rice Campus in preparation for our uniting in Term 4.

Darren Atkinson
