Principal's Report

Dear Members of the St Mary’s Community,

Year 7 2024

Congratulations and thank you to everybody involved in the success of the Year 7 2024 Information Night. There was an extremely positive vibe among those attending and the quality of the presentations by the students would have been very reassuring for prospective families. Issues discussed were gender ratios, public transport, future developments of the Westbury site, the positive impact of co-education on academic achievement, collaborative problem solving and future workplace prospects.

Gender ratios were put to bed by the students who expressed the view that this was not their issue, and it wasn’t noticed. Just the same, I am delighted that there will be at least two female Pastoral Leaders next year and that the College has made an exciting appointment of a new Director of Students who is a female with extensive experience in co-education. These appointments were made from strong fields of interest and were not made because they are female but because they were excellent applicants. A happy outcome for the progress of St Mary’s.

VAPA Night

Everybody that attended Tuesday Night’s event would have been impressed with the extraordinarily high quality of student work in the visual arts, moving image and music. One parent complimented the College on the wide diversity of themes, materials and styles reflected in student work. This struck me also.

Thank you to the following people including, Raoul Chapman, Louisa Lawless, Michael Pye, Avril Martinelli, Sandie Saundry, Charlie Rooke, Sara Calia, Cameron Hayes, Brendan Tollit, Nick Whitlock, David Formosa, Kevin Wantrych, Michael Essing, Alex Keser and Susan Lopez.

All of these people are to be congratulated on a very successful evening of the Arts.

End of Lease Announcement

Thank you to the families and alumni who contacted the College supporting the decision to vacate the Presentation Campus and build the future of St Mary’s on the Westbury Street site. Last Friday’s Herald Sun printed an extremely favorable story about the decision which I commend to you. Several parents have contacted me with specific questions and each of those inquiries have been responded to by phone.

The College is fully engaged with the grant acquittal and tendering process and will be able to communicate a timeline for refurbishment and redevelopment early next year.

Campus Announcement St Mary's College

Herald Sun Article

The Middle East Situation

Like most people, I understand Middle Eastern politics is a complex business and that there are a variety of legitimate and well-intentioned points of view. The news from last weekend involving the unbridled slaughtering of women and children, old people and other civilians is indefensible. Teachers have been requested that were matters relating to these events be raised in class by students that it be done so respectfully with a clear understanding that this school supports the dignity of every human being and condemns lawlessness and murder. The rule of law is paramount to any civilized society.

I have been in contact with members of the Jewish educational community to express my best wishes to them and their families, many of whom would have relatives, friends and alumni in Israel and who must be feeling vulnerable.

If the events in the Middle East are affecting any student in our community, I urge you to contact the school and/or to meet with our school councilor Catherine McMahon.

Our school is located in the heart of Melbourne’s Jewish community and although many of us do not live here, I am mindful of our neighbors’ friends and families.

Virtus Sola Nobilitas,

Michael Lee OAM
Acting Principal

Deputy Principal's Report

Dear St Mary’s College Families,

Term 4 often feels as though we are on a fast train, with many stops that represent major school events, with students disembarking for the next chapter in their education or life.

This week we concluded formal classes for Year 12 students. This involved a celebratory College assembly with speeches from College Captains Audrey Smart and Raj Johnston, College Principal Michael Lee and some outstanding musical performances and other presentations. Our Year 12 students have not ‘finished’, though part of their journey has. Soon, it will be about finalising assessments and key competencies for the awarding of a Vocational Major certificate or commencing external Unit 3 and 4 exams. Educational administrators all over the world are still yet to come up with a final exam process that caters to all, celebrates all, and provides the opportunity for every student to be at their best with certainty. Nevertheless, the system we have is the one we work with. Our students enter each exam well prepared by their teachers and by their own effort and diligence. The support they receive from their school is evident, welcomed and makes a difference. I often implore my Year 12 class to be demanding of me as their teacher and of themselves, perhaps in a way they haven’t necessarily done so before. Congratulations to the class of 2023 on everything you have achieved thus far. You should be proud and rest with a sense of uneasy confidence that you have and will give it your all.

Following this significant final chapter, we will start to see Year 10 and Year 11 classes finish, exams in those year levels conducted, and the process of Year 10 and 11 students having two weeks of classes in the next year level take place. We title this period of two weeks ‘Headstart’, as it is explicitly designed to connect classes with their Year 12 teacher (where possible) and to the content of the subjects they have selected to make up their VCE or VM program in 2024.

Congratulations to Mr Raoul Chapman and all staff and students that performed and participated in the and Arts showcase evening last Tuesday night. It has been described as the best we have had, extraordinary, and a very high quality set of displays, installations and performances that exceed what secondary schools normally produce.

Finally, I would like to thank and congratulate the St Mary’s College Prefect Team of 2023 and welcome the Prefect Team of 2024 into their positions and titles. A lunch was held this week to provide the opportunity for the two teams to meet, enabling the 2024 Prefects to voice their hopes and aspirations for next year, and the 2023 Prefects the chance to validate their ambitions for leadership with sound advice and encouragement.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Our College Values

College Values

To start our term, the whole staff gathered to explore deeply our College motto and values. It is important that we take time to reflect on our school community and develop strategies for the school we want to be moving forward. St Mary’s is guided by our motto and values, both of which are deeply embedded in our Catholic heritage. When we talk about and dissect our values, we do so through the lens of Jesus and his teachings. We unpacked several biblical passages around our values, below please see just one example for each. We also explored how others might describe our values. All staff are currently voting for which of the values our College theme will be for 2024.

It was an enriching day, and the staff (teaching and non-teaching) are to be commended for their committed, thoughtful engagement with the program.

School Value- Compassion

We believe that compassion and empathy can change lives.

Biblical reference- Ephesians 4:32

…and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.

Notable quote-

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama

School Value- Inclusivity

We believe in the call of the Gospels to be a welcoming and inclusive community. We nurture and celebrate diversity.

Biblical reference -John 13:34

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.

Notable quote-

Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance. Verna Myers

School Value- Respect

We believe that respect is the basis of all our relationships with ourselves, each other and the earth.

Biblical reference - John 13:34-35

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Notable quote-

The essence of all spiritual life is your emotion, your attitude towards others. Once you have pure and sincere motivation, all the rest follows. You can develop the right attitude toward others on the basis of kindness, love, respect, and on the clear realization of the oneness of all human beings. His Holiness the Dalai Lama

School Value- Courage

We act with courage as we strive for success, learn from our mistakes and seek to be counter-cultural for the common good.

Biblical reference -Joshua 1:9

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Notable quote-

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill

School Value-Justice

We act with justice and fairness and stand in solidarity with those that are marginalised.

Biblical reference - Acts 2:43-47

Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Notable quote-

Justice is at the heart of faith itself. The word that describes the relationship of the community to the “anawim”, the poor, is justice. Our culture has a preferential option for the rich, powerful and beautiful. Fred Kramer SJ

Kate Johnston
Director of Identity

Farewell to the Class of 2023

Farewell Class of 2023

Today’s Year 12 Farewell Assembly was a resounding success. It was wonderful to come together as a community to acknowledge the end of a special six years for the class of 2023. Without wishing to embellish the point, I think they have been a great group. There is a sense of restless academic curiosity amongst much of the group and, under the stewardship of the Year 12 Prefect Team, the cohort have advocated for social justice and proffered fully realised opinions on issues of the day. I thank them for their contribution to our College.

Highlights during the assembly were aplenty, however my favourite moment was when the Year 7s formed a guard of honour for the departing 12s. It was pleasing to see the 7s showing respect to the achievements of those senior to them. This demonstration of respect is a learning moment for the junior students. Indeed, acknowledging the achievement of others is a great life skill and is something readily translatable to their lives out of school.

To see the 12s towering over the Year 7s highlighted the stark difference in where each group is on their educational journey. However, this dichotomy is only temporary. The 7s will soon be 12s – six years goes by faster than one might think – and by the time we hit our 20s, the physical divide is narrowed. Also, six years apart in the school world feels like quite the chasm, whilst in the real, working world, it is nothing at all. This, I believe, is one of the key outcomes schools can cultivate – the ability to have respectful association with others, no matter who they are. If you study hard, expand your intellectual horizons, develop your social skills, fortify yourself by taking on challenges, in the real world you won’t need to form a guard of honour to have a respectful association with those who are six years older than you. You can become a contemporary, a colleague or even a confidant.

Thank you to the Year 7s and 12s for a poignant moment. You never know, you may see each other again in a completely different context. I am sure the exchange will be honourable and respectful, just in a different way.

Chris Pye
Director of Students

Music Department Update

College Musical

Last Term, 15 student musicians with support from Music Teachers provided their musical skills to the St Mary’s College production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Performances from some of our talented violinists, cellists, saxophonists, trumpeters, bass guitarists, pianists and drummers went towards making the production a huge success.

ACC Battle Of The Bands

St Mary’s College was also excited to host the ‘ACC Battle of the Bands’. 12 schools from around Melbourne and Geelong joined students from St Mary’s College for a day of workshops for vocals, electric guitar, bass guitar and drums.

The day was a fantastic opportunity for all students to receive mentoring and valuable feedback from music educators, gain exposure to other group performances and participate in ensemble performance practice.

The day ended on a musical high with outstanding performances in Logue Hall from the various schools “rocking it out” for a chance at taking home the ‘Battle of the Bands’ trophy and the win.

Louisa Lawless
Director of Music

VAPA Showcase

VAPA Showcase

On Tuesday 10 October, we held the St Mary's College Visual and Performing Arts Showcase in Logue Hall. 

This event gives us an opportunity to showcase the wonderful work being done by our students in the following subject areas;

  • Drama
  • Design Technology
  • Food Technology
  • Media
  • Music
  • Studio Art
  • Textiles
  • Visual Communications

I would like to congratulate all of the students who either performed or had their work on display to share with our community. Many thanks to the teachers who helped make this night possible by inspiring our students to work at such a high standards.

Raoul Chapman
Learning Leader VAPA

Parents and Friends

Parents and Friends

Thank you to everyone who attended the Parents and Friends meeting on Monday night. We had a wonderful turn out of parents both in person and online.

We took the opportunity to discuss the recent announcement made by the College along with other interesting topics such as

  • Staff Professional Development
  • PAD testing
  • Year 7 2024 and 2025
  • The Uniform Shop
  • P&F AGM details

I also attended the funeral service of Sue Blizzard at Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron. It was a beautiful service where Sue was remembered fondly by family and friends. Terry was extremely grateful to the St Mary's College Community for their support in such difficult times.

Terry and his family made a beautiful gesture by sharing a much loved Chocolate Mud Cake recipe that Sue loved to make and share with friends and family. I wanted to share it with everyone so that the whole community could enjoy and share the love.

Blizzard Celebration Cake

Jane Leroi
Parents and Friends Chair

Immunisation Catch Up

Immunisation Catch Up Program

Secondary school immunisations are usually provided to students in Year 7 and Year 10. Due to interruptions to school-based learning in 2020 and 2021, and the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, some students may have missed getting important vaccines at school.

If your child has missed out on their school-based vaccinations, you may receive them at your local Council Immunisation service, or your GP. The school vaccination catch up program will run until the end of 2023.

You may also attend the free immunisation clinics at the City of Port Phillip to have these vaccines. Follow the link below to make an appointment.

Immunisation - City of Port Phillip

To see if your child is due for any vaccines, check your child’s immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register using your MyGov account. If your child is over 14 they will need to access their immunisation history statement themselves through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.

Learn more about school-based vaccinations and why they’re important:

Community News

Fortnight In Photos

2023 Lumina Edition 15 - 13 Oct 2023

Principal's Report


Dear Members of the St Mary’s Community,

Year 7 2024

Congratulations and thank you to everybody involved in the success of the Year 7 2024 Information Night. There was an extremely positive vibe among those attending and the quality of the presentations by the students would have been very reassuring for prospective families. Issues discussed were gender ratios, public transport, future developments of the Westbury site, the positive impact of co-education on academic achievement, collaborative problem solving and future workplace prospects.

Gender ratios were put to bed by the students who expressed the view that this was not their issue, and it wasn’t noticed. Just the same, I am delighted that there will be at least two female Pastoral Leaders next year and that the College has made an exciting appointment of a new Director of Students who is a female with extensive experience in co-education. These appointments were made from strong fields of interest and were not made because they are female but because they were excellent applicants. A happy outcome for the progress of St Mary’s.

VAPA Night

Everybody that attended Tuesday Night’s event would have been impressed with the extraordinarily high quality of student work in the visual arts, moving image and music. One parent complimented the College on the wide diversity of themes, materials and styles reflected in student work. This struck me also.

Thank you to the following people including, Raoul Chapman, Louisa Lawless, Michael Pye, Avril Martinelli, Sandie Saundry, Charlie Rooke, Sara Calia, Cameron Hayes, Brendan Tollit, Nick Whitlock, David Formosa, Kevin Wantrych, Michael Essing, Alex Keser and Susan Lopez.

All of these people are to be congratulated on a very successful evening of the Arts.

End of Lease Announcement

Thank you to the families and alumni who contacted the College supporting the decision to vacate the Presentation Campus and build the future of St Mary’s on the Westbury Street site. Last Friday’s Herald Sun printed an extremely favorable story about the decision which I commend to you. Several parents have contacted me with specific questions and each of those inquiries have been responded to by phone.

The College is fully engaged with the grant acquittal and tendering process and will be able to communicate a timeline for refurbishment and redevelopment early next year.

Campus Announcement St Mary's College

Herald Sun Article

The Middle East Situation

Like most people, I understand Middle Eastern politics is a complex business and that there are a variety of legitimate and well-intentioned points of view. The news from last weekend involving the unbridled slaughtering of women and children, old people and other civilians is indefensible. Teachers have been requested that were matters relating to these events be raised in class by students that it be done so respectfully with a clear understanding that this school supports the dignity of every human being and condemns lawlessness and murder. The rule of law is paramount to any civilized society.

I have been in contact with members of the Jewish educational community to express my best wishes to them and their families, many of whom would have relatives, friends and alumni in Israel and who must be feeling vulnerable.

If the events in the Middle East are affecting any student in our community, I urge you to contact the school and/or to meet with our school councilor Catherine McMahon.

Our school is located in the heart of Melbourne’s Jewish community and although many of us do not live here, I am mindful of our neighbors’ friends and families.

Virtus Sola Nobilitas,

Michael Lee OAM
Acting Principal
