Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,

My apologies for holding up the newsletter from Friday. It is entirely my fault, and I will ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Pride at St Mary’s

Thank you to the Year 12 student leaders who arranged some important information sharing about Pride being a focus of inclusion, respect and welcome of difference.

Since my arrival at St Mary’s, I have been impressed by the sense of agency the student leaders have brought to their roles. The students gave a sensitive, dignified and clear message to the school that the first step in being safe is to feel welcomed. The response from the school has been overwhelmingly positive. It is a fine thing when teachers advance at the principal to tell them that they were inspired by the student leader’s initiative.

Congratulations to Audrey, Raj, Spencer, Luc, Ruby, Mitch and Thomas Lauder in Year 10.

Welcome to Tristan McGlade - College Business Manager from term 4 2023

I had the pleasure of a working breakfast on Saturday morning with Tristan who successfully applied for the important role of Business Manager at St Mary’s College. Tristan is a young man with an impressive career in the reinvigoration of businesses and companies. His recognition of schools as places of community, learning, opportunity and excellence was reassuring to me and will be a great asset into the future.

St Mary’s will be meeting the challenges of strategic financial planning, Commonwealth and Victorian Government Grants, extensive refurbishment of teaching facilities and human resource management. Tristan's experience, manner and vision will be a source of confidence for St Mary’s into the future.

I would like to thank the acting College Business Manager, Deanne Telford for her extensive work this year. Under resourced as she has been, she has managed the post Covid finances of the College with loyalty, discipline and flair. The College owes Deanne considerable gratitude.

Constitutional Recognition and Voice to Parliament Referendum, October 14, 2023

All students are encouraged to fully engage in the debate around this referendum. I am aware that many in our community have firm, evolved ideas and positions on the Voice. They should be heard with respect and consideration. Others have a more disturbing agenda that needs to be called out and challenged. Free and fair debate need not be abusive and divisive.

Few Australians can be anything but deeply disturbed about the statistics that put first Australians so far behind the rest of us with infant mortality rates, life expectancy, incarceration, school retention rates and substance abuse being but a few. Jingles, slogans and celebrities aside, giving agency for people to influence their own lives seems obvious to many of us.

I think the referendum will turn on how convinced Australians are that recognition and voice will help to close these gaps. Full engagement in the process is the obligation of all citizens in a democracy.

Yours Sincerely in St Mary’s College,

Michael Lee OAM.

Student News

RU Okay Day/College Musical

On September 14, the College will be participating in RU Okay Day. The theme for this year’s iteration is ‘I’m here to hear.’ On this day, students are encouraged to wear something yellow on top of their regular school uniform. And, of course, they are encouraged to create the practice of checking in with each other and demonstrating genuine concern and regard for others. This is the foundation of all successful communities.

There will be some activities in morning homeroom and a couple of clips for students to watch. Thanks to Ms McMahon for her help in the composition of the day.

Another notable activity coming up is the College Musical. Mr Tollit and Ms Lawlor are deep in the rehearsal process at the moment. The joyful sound emerging from Logue Hall after school makes for a pleasant contrast to the disconcerting silence that is usually in place once students have left for the day. Thank you to all participants and to Mr Tollit and Ms Lawless for animating this activity. It is a reminder that schools are more than classrooms and that creativity and community bring elan and hope to all.

Chris Pye
Director of Students

Year 10 Assembly

Life Experiences of Others

The Year 10 group recently attended an assembly focused on considering others life experiences.

The group took part in a Q+A session between Year 10 student Veronica Konotopchyk and her Pastoral care teacher Mr. Justin Paul. Veronica transferred to St Mary’s and Melbourne from her home in Ukraine. The Year 10 group listened to Veronica describe her experience of moving to Melbourne due to the start of the war. Thank you to Veronica for openly sharing your experiences with the group. Thank you to Mr. Paul for the caring way in which you facilitated this presentation.

As a part of Pride week school captain Audrey Smart presented to Year 10. Audrey stressed that Pride week was more than just a week focused on LGBTQIA+ youth. The week was one which would benefit all by fostering an environment where all students could feel safe and comfortable at school. Audrey ended her presentation by inviting Year 10 to write cards in recognition of Pride week.

Thank you to the Year 10 group for the mature way in which you engaged with the assembly.

Mr. Michael Pye
Year 10 Pastoral Leader

Wizard of Oz

The Cast and Musicians are Ready!

After almost 7 months of preparation, the 2023 College Musical The Wizard of Oz, is finally ready to take the stage. The musical promises to be an incredible experience with its dedicated cast of 34 students, led by Director and Drama Co-ordinator Mr Brendan Tollit, and Musical Direction from Mrs Louisa Lawless.

Everyone has worked tirelessly to ensure that everything is in place for the four amazing shows, September 7th to 9th, all of which have been selling rapidly!

The musical is an adaptation of the classic tale of Dorothy's journey through the Land of Oz, accompanied by her companions, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion. Watch the story come to life in our very own Logue Hall. You can expect a magical and unforgettable experience with the beautiful original score being played live by our very own students. The show promises dazzling costumes and wonderful storytelling.

The production has been a collaborative effort, with the talented cast and crew putting in countless hours of work to make this musical a success. The choreography by Miss Jessica Mathewes, technical and acting assistance from Mr Matthew Sabato, and additional musical and technical assistance from Mr Ben Kelly and Ms Phoebe Papatheodorou, have all played a crucial role in the production.

So mark your calendars, gather your family and friends together and get ready to be whisked away to the Merry Old Land of Oz by the 2023 College Musical The Wizard of Oz. Tickets are selling fast, so don't miss your chance to witness the magic of this unforgettable production that has been brought to life by the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.


Thomas Lauder,
Year 10 Student

Wear it Purple Day

Wear it Purple Day

Last Week each Year Level received a presentation from 1-2 Prefects on Pride Week and Inclusiveness. Following the presentation, students were offered an opportunity to write a message on how our community can be more inclusive and accepting of others, especially LGBTQIA+ people. A display was made out of these and is currently at ERC in the Student Plaza.

Following the presentations on Thursday we celebrated Wear it Purple Day an Australian annual day of awareness for LGBTQIA+ young people that promotes supportive, safe, and inclusive environments for them. Students wore purple accessories to their uniform to show their support, and the canteen sold purple-themed food.

Spencer Slaney
Prefect of Student Wellbeing

Fathers / Mentors Breakfast

Calling all Fathers and Mentors!

Join us for our annual Fathers/Mentors and Student Breakfast.

Friday 8 September 7:30am.

Come along and join others whilst enjoying a wonderful breakfast prepared by our students.

To assist with catering, we ask you book your attendance.


Resource kit on the Upcoming Referendum for the Voice to Parliament

Preparing for the Voice

As our nation moves towards a historic referendum on Indigenous Constitutional Recognition and a Voice to Parliament, we at the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education are stepping up our efforts to provide resources and encourage engagement in the process of building support for a Yes Vote. We have produced Preparing for the Voice - An introduction to the upcoming referendum resource kit with information and links to significant websites.

Careers News

All you need to know about…

VTAC and SEAS Applications

Information Session and Q & A for Year 12 Parents 6 pm

Monday 4 September

Markillie Library, Edmund Rice Campus

Please email Mandy Ellwood if attending

Parents and Friends

P&F Meetings

The twice-per-term P&F meetings are a great opportunity for our families to increase community engagement, enhance school/parent partnerships and meet new people. They also provide an opportunity to participate in relevant College discussions and be involved in decision-making. Our College leadership attend and all community members are welcome to join in. 

Our next P&F meeting is happening tonight at the Edmund Rice Campus. The meeting will begin at 7pm in the Pat Browne Boardroom.

These are our P&F Meeting dates left for 2023.

  • Monday 4 September - Edmund Rice Campus
  • Monday 9 October - Presentation Campus 
  • Monday 20 November - Presentation Campus

Jane Leroi
Parents and Friends Chair

CGSAV Intermediate Soccer

Intermediate Team

With a nod to the Matildas, our Intermediates performed with remarkable determination and enthusiasm at the recent CGSAV Soccer Tournament. Bringing together a team comprising students from Year 7 to 10, our young girls embraced the challenge, while the seniors provided guidance and encouragement to their junior peers. 

Each game was commenced with inspiring pep talks, erupting with cheers of excitement and anticipation. Despite the losses, our girls held their heads high and maintained their spirit, cheering all the way back to St Mary’s!

Paris Rouvalis

CGSAV Senior Soccer

CGSAV - Senior Soccer

The girls Senior Soccer squad performed admirably at the annual CGSAV Soccer Tournament on Thursday August 24. The team was ultra competitive in each of the five matches. Our goal was to improve with each match and have some fun and we certainly achieved that. After narrow losses of 1-0 in the first three matches, the girls won 3-0 in the fourth match and drew 0-0 in the final match of the day.

The team played with great energy and school spirit. Well done to all squad members.

Rosario Genovese

College Uniform


The Midford Uniform Shop has the following trading hours

  • Tuesday & Thursday 8am-4pm
  • First Saturday of the month 9am-1pm

The next scheduled Saturday opening is Sat 7 October 2023

The uniform shop now has full suite of St Mary's College Uniform, so it is a great opportunity to update your child's uniform.

The Midford Uniform Shop is located at 11 Westbury Street, St Kilda East 3183

(Entrance D)

Midford uniform shop purchases can also be made at your convenience from their online uniform shop

Use the code SMC2021 and your order will be filled when the store is next open.

Online Uniform Shop

If required, the Midford uniform shop can also be contacted on opening days by calling 9520-8519.

A reminder also that all Midford full-uniform fittings require an appointment, which can be made by clicking the link below.

Midford Uniform Fitting Booking

Uniform Pricelist

P&F College Uniform Shop

Edmund Rice Campus, Entrance B. During school terms, the P&F Recycled Uniform shop is run by P&F volunteers – usually from 10:30am-12:30pm (please note these revised hours) on the first Saturday of the month.

The P&F Recycled Uniform shop have limited items only.

Community News - Hockey School Holiday Program

Hockey School Holiday Program

The Powerhouse & St Kilda Hockey Club is running a September Hockey School Holiday Program 18 and 19 September.

We would like to ask for the school’s assistance in helping us provide opportunity for the local community and students to participate in hockey, by publishing the Program’s details to the school’s parents.

To assist, I have attached a Program flyer as well as provided an extract below. We very much appreciate any assistance you can provide .Please call 0411881358 for any questions.


Come try the fun, social and rewarding game of field hockey, by coming to the Powerhouse & St Kilda Hockey Club’s September School Holiday Program.

The Program is especially designed for children 5 to 14 who would like to try hockey for the first time. The program will be a mix of all day fun hockey games and basic skills, lunch break, and indoor entertainment at the end of each day. The Program is just the thing for children to start enjoying a fun and social physical activity during the school holidays.


  • 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 September 2023
  • 1 Hockey Drive, St Kilda
  • Equipment provided (no need to bring anything)

Fortnight in Photos

2023 Lumina Edition 13 - 01 Sep 2023

Resource kit on the Upcoming Referendum for the Voice to Parliament


Preparing for the Voice

As our nation moves towards a historic referendum on Indigenous Constitutional Recognition and a Voice to Parliament, we at the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education are stepping up our efforts to provide resources and encourage engagement in the process of building support for a Yes Vote. We have produced Preparing for the Voice - An introduction to the upcoming referendum resource kit with information and links to significant websites.
