Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,

A lot has been going at St Mary’s since I last wrote. Attached is a letter outlining a refurbishment program with some diagrams and drawings to illustrate the program that will be completed by September 2024.

St Mary's College Update

VCE Examinations

Congratulations to teachers, students and their families involved in the VCE Examinations. This is a significant challenge for everybody involved. The calculation of the ATAR, study scores and the attainment of the Certificate is a complex, scientific process spread throughout the year. The examinations are a significant component. The feedback I have received from the Class of 23 is that they felt the papers were challenging but fair, that they were well prepared and felt confident that they had given their best. Examinations such as these should always provide every student with the opportunities to show what they know, understand, and can do. Thank you to the teachers for preparing their students so well and I would like to acknowledge the role of parents and carers in supporting their children so well during this period.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Lee OAM
Principal (Acting)

Deputy Principal's Report

Dear St Mary’s College Families,

I had the pleasure of accompanying our Lawn bowls teams. It is always rewarding to be with our students outside of the classroom setting. Being a small school many of our students take the opportunity to represent the College. As we approach the end of the year I would like to thank all students and staff who commit themselves so diligently towards representing this school, often with above expectation results.

As Year 12 VCE exams come to a close this week and Vocational Major students finalise their coursework, I would like to congratulate all Year 12 students for the way they have embraced the challenge and support offered. The class of 2023 have been a remarkable group of young people to work with. We look forward to graduation Mass and dinner on Wednesday evening.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Year 9 Retreat

Year 9 Retreat

Yesterday our Year 9 students explored three places of significance for Catholic Melbourne. The Mary Mackillop Centre, the Mary Glowery Museum and St Patrick’s Cathedral.

The Mary Mackillop Centre is a museum dedicated to Australia’s only Saint. After learning about how Mary changed the lives of hundreds of children and the process for becoming a saint, we explored the museum. We held a piece of timber which was a relic from her coffin, saw a cross made from the fence post of her first school in Penola which opened in 1866 and her wheelchair which looked like it could still roll down Flinders Street today. The museum is open to the public and well worth a visit.

The Mary Glowery Museum is dedicated to Dr Sr Mary Glowery. Born in Birregurra in 1887, she was awarded scholarships to attend secondary school and university. She graduated from The University of Melbourne as a doctor and began work in Melbourne hospitals. Mary had a calling to help the vulnerable, so she travelled to India where she became a nun and continued her work as a doctor. Another amazing Melbourne woman, she is only the second Australian to be considered for official recognition as a saint.

St Patrick’s Cathedral is a significant landmark of Melbourne. We all attended Mass together which was made extra special for us as the three seminarians who have been volunteering at the College were on the altar. We explored the stunning gothic style building and serene gardens. We didn’t see our current Archbishop Peter Comensoli while we were there, maybe next time.

Time away from the school routine to immerse ourselves in our faith is a wonderful opportunity for students to think and reflect about their place in the world. All students at the College are given the opportunity to engage in a day of retreat each year. Our Year 9 students fully engaged in this opportunity along with staff.

Kate Johnston
Director of Identity

Transition Programs in Schools

Transition Programs at Schools

In educational parlance, transition is a relatively new concept. Without wishing to sound outmoded, in days gone by, we would finish the school year at the end of the actual year. We would start the school year near the start of the actual year. Whilst this is a neat and simple arrangement, it didn’t really protect, or provide comfort, for many students (and teachers!) who find change unsettling. Nowadays, we have transition programs when students move from Year 6 to 7; Year 10 to 11 and Year 11 to Year 12. There are transition arrangements in place for other year-levels. The evidence base suggests that embarking on these changes early tends to make the change more successful. It is hard to argue with, isn’t it?

However, I posit that change in schools is an arrangement that can only be actualised if the individual goes in with the right attitude to succeed. Having read a bit of educational literature on change in schools, these, I believe, are the two keys to success:

  1. Be ready. In practical terms, this is driving personal standards. For example, if one’s laptop has been running out of batteries before the day is out, fix it in readiness for Headstart. Have the right books for your new VCE subjects. Coming into a period of change with intent is crucial.
  2. Be courageous. Headstart means commencing new subjects, often with people a student may not know especially well. Go with it. If a newly comprised homeroom sees you with some students you may not know well, again, in most instances, go with it. It will likely be a bit uncomfortable early - most change is, at least initially – but in time it tends to work for the best. This change, often, multiplies social connections and options, which is a real advantage when students near the end of their time at school.

Einstein said ‘We cannot solve problems with the same thinking.’ Indeed, our minds need to be agile and alive to possibility. Change within schools – organised, methodical change – provides new stimuli for our minds and new social arrangements which enrich both our hearts and minds. We are stronger because of it, when we embrace it and use it as a springboard to learn and improve.

Chris Pye
Director of Students

Exciting Pathway Opportunity

Exciting Pathway Opportunity

We are extremely excited to announce that in 2024 St Mary's College will be collaborating with Saint Mary's College of California to establish and support a College pathway and guaranteed admissions program, along with "Benildus Scholarship" opportunities for Year 12 student graduates.

A “Benildus Scholarship” will be awarded to three (3) Graduates enrolled at SMC each in the amount of not less than twenty-two thousand United States Dollars ($USD22,000.00)

They will also be offering all Graduates enrolled at SMC with an “International Partnership Excellence Award” each in the amount of not less than ten thousand United States Dollars ($USD10,000.00);

Our Year 12 students graduating at the end of 2024 will have the opportunity to undertake at Saint Mary's College of California;

- STEM degree programs
- Performing arts (dance, theatre and music) degree programs
- Athletics and Club sport offerings within NCAA guidelines

This is a fantastic addition to the pathway choices for students at St Mary's College

    Both schools are extremely excited about this collaboration and we look forward to congratulating future Gaels.

    David Formosa
    Director of Development

    Bake Stall

    Bake Stall

    Today our students had the opportunity to support the St Mary's Primary School Bake Stall.

    A small team of St Mary's Primary School parents prepared the wonderful goodies that were on offer for our students to purchase.

    Funds raised from the stall were going towards the Grade 6 Graduation Celebration Event. Thank you to all of the students who supported the stall and the parents who baked goodies to be sold.

    David Formosa
    Director of Development

    Grand Final Bound

    Grand Final Bound

    Congratulations to our Intermediate Cricket and Tennis teams who won their semi finals yesterday to advance to the Grand Final next week.

    Both side competed against Emmanuel College and took the honours. 

    The tennis team will play against Emmanuel College Red whilst the cricket team will come up against St Bede's College.

    Congratulations to all players and Coaches.

    Dean Bird
    Director of Sport

    Second Hand Books

    School text book collection

    In the spirit of sustainability the P&F will be collecting unwanted up-to-date School Text Books from now until Friday 1 December 2023.
    The donated books will then be available to purchase at a discount through a P&F book stall to be held the first week of December.
    Current edition texts book and curriculum novels can be dropped off at the school office at both the Presentation Campus and the Edmund Rice Campus.

    P&F College Uniform Shop

    Edmund Rice Campus, Entrance B. During school terms, the P&F Recycled Uniform shop is run by P&F volunteers – usually from 10:30am-12:30pm (please note these revised hours) on the first Saturday of the month. 

    The next opening of the P&F Uniform Shop will be Saturday 2 December 2023.

    The P&F Recycled Uniform shop have limited St Mary's College uniform items only.

    Jane Leroi
    Parents and Friends Chair



    HookIn2Hockey is a Hockey Australia program for 5 to 16 year olds that gives young children the opportunity to learn the basic skills of hockey and develop fundamental motor skills, while making friends and having fun!

    Come along during Term 4 to the Powerhouse & St Kilda Hockey Club HookIn2Hockey program We’ll supply the gear!


    • WHEN: All of Term 4 – Monday 9 October to 18 December – 5:15pm to 6:15pm
    • WHERE: 1 Hockey Drive, St Kilda
    • Equipment provided

    Fortnight In Photos

    2023 Lumina Edition 17 - 10 Nov 2023

    Grand Final Bound

    Dean Bird

    Director of Sport


    Grand Final Bound

    Congratulations to our Intermediate Cricket and Tennis teams who won their semi finals yesterday to advance to the Grand Final next week.

    Both side competed against Emmanuel College and took the honours. 

    The tennis team will play against Emmanuel College Red whilst the cricket team will come up against St Bede's College.

    Congratulations to all players and Coaches.

    Dean Bird
    Director of Sport
