Principal's Report

Careers Education

Thank you to everybody who responded to the survey concerning Careers Education at St Mary's. The panel led by Theresa Lincoln, a Regional Leadership Consultant with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, visited the college on Wednesday last and met with staff, students, ex-students and academic leaders to review careers against best practice and latest innovation.

Parent responses were high, providing a range of observations and feedback to incorporate into the review.

I will have a copy of the report by the end of next week and look forward to sharing its recommendations with our community. Reviews such as these are designed to build school improvement. Resources will be allocated to support the recommendation's implementation next year.

VCE Examinations

Congratulations to Year 12 who commenced their VCE examinations on Tuesday. The confidence they displayed on Tuesday morning reflected excellent teaching, careful preparation and the reassurance they gain from the shared experience. Please spare a thought and prayer for them to achieve their best.

Referendum Result

The proposal to alter the Constitution to recognise indigenous Australians and to provide them with a voice to the Australian Parliament has now been defeated. Many of our families come from areas of Melbourne where the ‘Yes’ vote was among the highest in Australia. The staff have been reminded to ensure dignified and informed debate be observed in classes when the issue arises. The response in mainstream media has been a little muted because of many indigenous leaders observing a weeklong silence on the issue.

Many staff and students were fully engaged in the issues which is good. A robust democracy needs informed, respectful debate, not shouting or ranting.

St Mary's will still acknowledge Country and work towards reconciliation.

Capital Works

Drawings, timelines, scopes and plans are being gathered for the $3m refurbishment of Edmund Rice Campus, which will take place early next year. I look forward to writing to you next week with more information. The first step is a general refurbishment of three classrooms in the Corbett Wing, which will commence next week. This is painting, reconfiguration of lighting, just a general make-over, which will enhance those rooms as learning spaces. Any disruption to learning will be minimal.

Michael Lee OAM
Acting Principal

Deputy Principal's Report

Dear St Mary’s College Families,

At this stage of the year, the whole school community rally behind the Year 12 VCE students as they sit and continue to prepare for their end of year exams. Our students understand that they are well supported by their peers and teachers, and most have clear ideas about their post-school hopes and dreams. They are an incredibly hard working cohort of students and we are very proud of their achievements, particularly with their diligent approach to collaborating with each other in the Year 12 study hub. As a gesture of support and solidarity, a number of staff wrote a personalised note to the group, which was given to them as they left the English exam on Tuesday. 

In addition, I would like to commend the way that the VM (Vocational Major) students are finishing off the year. The personal, academic, spiritual and social growth of this group has been outstanding this year. Each member of the graduating class of 2023 will be formally acknowledged and farewelled at the Graduation Mass and Dinner on Wednesday 15 November.

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

A Prayer for Victims - Director of Identity

Prayer for Victims

In recent days, the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice & Community Education, an organisation grounded in social justice ( ) shared a prayer and reflection on the recent events in Israel and Gaza. I share the prayer below, written by Rosie Berger which calls on us to keep all victims of this conflict - both Israelis and Palestinians in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. I hope and pray it may bring some comfort at this distressing time.

God of Comfort, send your Spirit to encompass all those whose lives are torn apart by violence and death in Israel and Palestine. You are the Advocate of the oppressed and the One whose eye is on the sparrow. Let arms reach out in healing, rather than aggression. Let hearts mourn rather than militarize.

God of Justice, give strength to those whose long work for a just peace might seem fruitless now. Strengthen their resolve. Do not let them feel alone. Show us how to support their work and bolster their courage. Guide religious leaders to model unity and reconciliation across lines of division. Guide political leaders to listen with their hearts as they seek peace and pursue it. Help all people choose the rigorous path of just peace and disavow violence.

God of Love, we lift up Palestine and Israel — its people, its land, its creatures. War is a monster that consumes everything in its path. Peace is a gift shared at meals of memory with Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Let us burn incense, not children. Let us break bread, not bodies. Let us plant olive groves, not cemeteries. We beg for love and compassion to prevail on all your holy mountains.

God of Hope, we lift up the cities of the region: Gaza City and Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Ashkelon, Deir El Balah and Sderot, so long divided, yet so filled with life and creativity. Come again to breathe peace on your peoples that all may recognize you.

God of Mercy, even now work on the hearts of combatants to choose life over death, reconciliation over retaliation, restoration over destruction. Help us resist antisemitism in all its forms, especially in our own churches. All people, Israelis, and Palestinians, deserve to live in peace and unafraid, with a right to determine their future together.

God of the Nations, let not one more child or elder be sacrificed on altars of political expediency. Keep safe all people from unjust leaders who would exploit vulnerability for their own distorted ends. Give wise discernment to those making decisions to pursue peace. Provide them insight into fostering well-being, freedom, and thriving for all. Teach all of us to resolve injustices with righteousness, not rockets. Guard our hearts against retaliation and give us hearts for love alone.

Strengthen our faith in you, O God of All Flesh, even when we don’t have clear answers, so that we may still offer ourselves for the cause of peace.


Rose Marie Berger is an American Catholic peace activist and poet. She has worked for social justice movements for over 40 years. She has written hundreds of articles for Sojourners, an ecumenical Christian organization that works towards social and racial justice.

If you would like to know more at Sojourners, please visit

Kate Johnston
Director of Identity

Exams - Director of Students


Former British Prime Minister David Cameron was often accused of having lived a charmed life. Prior to assuming office, naysayers argued he didn’t know adversity like those who lived a life outside the rarefied confines of privilege. It is a near impossible accusation to defend without sounding defensive or, even worse, patronising. Cameron, wisely, never said anything. However, he would think the question narrow and unfair as he had faced adversity and always found a way through.

Some of this adversity was exceptional and rate; often, it is more common. Cameron argues that pushing through common adversity prepares you for the shock and tumult of unseemly conflict. He cites exams as an example of unexceptional, but stressful, adversity. In his final year at Oxford University, Cameron had a run of five exams in five days. All would be worth 100%. He says that about six weeks out from the exams, the magnitude of the task struck him. This was an academic Mount Everest – daunting but, with the right plan and equipment, scalable.

He set about scaling it. Night after night, work was undertaken. If two hours was devoted to a subject, this time was used. He focused on output then input. To provide example of this, output is writing down quotes from a text, completing maths problems, re-writing a definition of an economic theory. Output often starts with a blank page and ends with a page with a lot of information on it. Input, the distinct poorer cousin, is reading notes or watching clips. It’s passivity compared to assertiveness; pleather when compared with leather; fake work compared with real work. With a commitment to output, concepts soon became knowledge and skills solidified. Mount Everest was being climbed and the summit was in view.

Cameron received a first (High Distinction in our parlance) in every subject, and a first for his degree. Clearly, he was/is a formidable intellect, but he was also very good at the mechanics of being a student. Success in this endeavour prepared him for high office and fortified him for when awful and calamitous adversity befell him. Which it did.

Five Study Tips

  1. Have high expectations of yourself
  2. Stress early in order to stress less and achieve more
  3. Output always trumps input
  4. Be ruthless with using time effectively
  5. Celebrate achievement and learn from when things haven’t gone as you’d wished.

Chris Pye
Director of Students

VCE Exams

VCE Exams 

Tuesday marked the commencement of the VCE Exam period, and what an inspiring start it was! Our students came fully prepared, showcasing their dedication and determination, and setting a high standard for what's to come in the rest of the exams. The entire St Mary's College family couldn't be prouder of their dedication, hard work, and the exceptional way they presented themselves during this crucial time. Many came out happy with the exam question and this is a testament on how the staff prepare them. Their success is an evidence to their unwavering commitment to academic excellence, and we look forward to seeing them continue to excel in the upcoming exams.

P&F Support for our Students

Our Parents and Friends have once again shown its unwavering support for our students. In their ongoing commitment to the welfare and well-being of our VCE students, the P&F has generously provided funding to ensure our students have access to nourishing snacks during the exam period.

After the challenging three-hour English exam, our students were presented with a beautifully arranged table filled with an array of delicious snacks and hand written notes from their teachers. This thoughtful gesture not only nourished their bodies but also uplifted their spirits after an intense examination. It is a clear testament to the P&F's dedication to making our students' journey through the VCE exams as smooth as possible.

This support not only reflects the unity and strength of our school community but also reinforces the belief that we are all on this journey together. The P&F's kindness to our students' success is an inspiring example of what makes St Mary's truly exceptional.

As the VCE Exam period progresses, we encourage all students to remain focused and continue demonstrating the same determination and passion they exhibited throughout the year. Their hard work is paying off, and we have every confidence in their abilities.

Once again, a heartfelt thank you to our Parents and Friends for their continued support. Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of our students.

We wish all our VCE students sitting the exams the very best of luck. Your St Mary's family stands with you every step of the way.

Sylvia Pastore
VCE/Digitech Co-Ordinator

Food Technology - Healthy Lunch Bowls

Healthy Lunch Bowls

It's been an exciting week in Food Tech this week with our Year 7-10 students rising to the challenge of a MasterChef type cook off.

Students were given a portion of chicken with an array of fresh ingredients to choose from to create a lunch bowl following the Australian guidelines to healthy eating.

The results as you can see were outstanding and students embraced the challenge with great enthusiasm.

Sandie Saundry
Food and Tech Assistant

World Teachers' Day

Thank you

In Victoria, we celebrate World Teachers' Day on 27 October 2023. It is a chance to recognise and celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made, an impact in our lives.

The Parents and Friends would like to express their thanks to the teachers at St Mary's College, for their hard work and dedication to the students.

Jane Leroi
Parents and Friends Chair

Bake Stall

Community News

Fortnight in Photos

2023 Lumina Edition 16 - 27 Oct 2023

Bake Stall

Shaun Lancashire

Deputy Principal

