Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,

Welcome to the latest newsletter. Week two has been filled with huge news for St Mary’s College. And I reprint the two announcements for your enjoyment.

New Principal

Regarding the new principal, the appointment of Darren Atkinson as the next principal of St Mary’s College is a distinguished one. Rarely is a school as fortunate as this one to find itself with a principal of length and successful experience such as Darren. He has experience in Edmund Rice schools coupled with leadership of co-ed schools in country Victoria and here in Melbourne. Darren brings an intimate knowledge of Victorian education and the community in which it is delivered.

I have known Darren for several years in our capacities as Victorian and ACT Directors of the Catholic Principal’s Association of Australia. St Mary’s is in very strong and capable hands.

Tuckwell Scholarship

Congratulations Audrey Smart!

The thought of a fabulous person like Audrey to have coffee with next year in Canberra, is obviously good news for me. A Tuckwell Scholarship is an amazing achievement and I know a number of amazing students who have been close but not successful. Audrey belongs to our community and our pride in her and joy in her success is well placed.

Michael Lee OAM
Principal (Acting)

Written on Bunurong Country

Deputy Principal's Report

Goal Setting

A very warm welcome back to all St Mary’s College students to Term 3!

Term 3 is looked upon by staff and students as the coldest term, where short days and frost on the windscreen impact mood and enthusiasm. It is our responsibility as educators, parents, and students, particularly those in Year 12, to bring energy and optimism to this term. I encourage all who read this to consider simple goals that might be set for the term – goals that you genuinely believe in – and then work towards instilling the practices that will help you to achieve them. Not all goals need to be aspirational and out of reach.

Firstly, a look back at the end of last term. In the final week of term, our Year 10 students were out of the school community and into many different businesses throughout Melbourne for work experience. The opportunity for ‘on the job learning’ was, for many of our students, their first exposure to the world of work. Like many of the opportunities that life presents, those that took up the challenge to make their work experience meaningful gained a lot from the experience and have been influenced by the people they met. Also in the last week of term, Year 9 students presented their learning portfolio conferences onsite. This involved each Year 9 student discussing the learning and special project work they completed throughout the first semester with a teacher and a family member present. Congratulations to all students for the quality of work and the way they presented themselves for their conference.

The first day of Term 3 for staff was a student free day. The day had three focus areas: Vision and Mission for the future of the school, the professional learning priorities of staff, and curriculum-based staff professional learning.

Our Talk and Tour program continues to attract significant attention from prospective parents. It is refreshing to participate in these sessions and, through answering a range of intriguing questions, reflect on who we are as a school and how we have developed over recent years.

The College is conducting two ski trips this year, which take place over the weekends of late July and early August. Thanks to David Joyce for leading groups of staff and students on these trips.

In the coming weeks we will be presenting and meeting with students and parents as the process of subject selection commences. The important role of parents is to read the documentation sent home, which outlines subject and pathway choices, and then discuss options with your daughter / son. Young people who find those around them (including teachers) taking this process seriously and cautiously will always see it as important and be better equipped to make good decisions.

Could I please ask all parents to have a fundamental, though unfortunately necessary conversation with their daughter / son regarding the language they use whilst at school and in public. The likelihood of a conversation between two people in a public space remaining confidential is very low. If the pitch or volume of the voices involved in the conversation are such that it is possibly heard by others, then every word is heard. When such conversations are filled (or part thereof) with language that they wouldn’t use in the company of their family, it is likely that I will receive a complaint and/or someone will feel uncomfortable having to hear it. This is an area, both at school and on public transport, where immediate improvement is needed.

Students that drive to school – please note that there is no parking available on site at either campus, and Dandenong Rd outside the Presentation Campus is a tow away zone from 4pm.

Finally, a personal note of congratulations to Audrey Smart, 2023 College Captain, who was awarded with a Tuckwell Scholarship this week. It has been a joy to teach Audrey over the years and to now celebrate this remarkable achievement with her. Congratulations Audrey!

Shaun Lancashire
Deputy Principal

Refugee Week

Finding Freedom

St Mary’s College acknowledged Refugee Week from June 18 to 24. The theme for 2023 was ‘Finding Freedom’, encouraging us to think about what it means to be free, something most of us in our community take for granted when we consider the difficult conditions many people around the world face on a daily basis.

As a smaller school, it can be difficult to think of how our actions can make an impact on the community, but running activities to celebrate the week such as the Circle of Silence, allows us to pause and reflect on the challenges faced by refugees, and think about what we can do to help them.

The Circle of Silence ran for 15 minutes under the sails on the Edmund Rice Campus, with both staff and students from a number of Year Levels taking part in the circle, holding signs created by students with messages in support of refugees.

Thank you to those who took part in the Circle of Silence and to the entire College community for their support of Refugee Week.

Raj Johnston
College Co Captain

Good Language is the Key

Good Language

As a child, you get told a number of things. The majority of them are menial and rather uninspiring: clean your room, eat your meal, stop doing this, start doing that etc etc. As a father of children eight and six years old, it is amazing how adept they become at delicately avoiding these messages and, of course, the work which often buttresses said message. However, there are a few messages of yore that I do think have resonance. One is around language and manners. Let me explain.

On an unseasonably warm day in Ballarat, in 1984, my grandmother was holding court. Rather strangely, I remember the Australian Masters playing on the tv in the background. I was listening in to my grandmother, pretty attentively it must be said, as she was a gifted raconteur and not backward in delivering an (often stinging) opinion. She said ‘Good manners will get you far.’ She contemplated her statement, nodded, and then repeated it in a lower tone, her eyes drifting to the window and the yard at the front of the property.

‘Good manners will get you far.’

With the advent of social media, it is perhaps harder than ever for our students to uphold this decree. As we know, social media tends to extoll the shouty, the disputer, the didactic. There isn’t the accountability one feels in face to face conversation. The language on social media, regularly but not always, can be a long way from traditional expectations about how we should interact with each other. Sometimes, this written latitude and languor can infect one’s off-keyboard offerings. Of course, it doesn’t have to. And it shouldn’t.

This term, we are focusing heavily on using good language. Courtesy, friendliness, politeness, respect. We will not tolerate language that resides outside these parameters. We thank you for your support on this matter.

To finish, I quote a valedictory speech I heard given in a workplace a number of years ago. ‘Indeed, he is a person of integrity, intelligence and considerable personal charm.’ This is quite the triumvirate of virtues isn’t it? However, I posit that if one isn’t well mannered, these other traits simply cannot be. Good manners is the foundation of a person of good character and, it must be said, a society which is truly pluralistic and decent.

Chris Pye
Director of Students


An Extraordinary Announcement of Great Joy

It is with a tremendous sense of joy and pride that I write to you to announce that Audrey Smart, 2023 College Captain, St Mary’s College, is a recipient of a Tuckwell Scholarship, commencing in 2024 at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra.

This is a most sought after, prestigious, and rich scholarship!

As the details below confirm, the Tuckwell scholarship offers financial support, personal enrichment and development opportunities, and requires applicants to demonstrate intellect, character, leadership and their commitment to Australia.

The Tuckwell Scholarship – A ‘Transformational Scholarship’

  • 3 – 5 year undergraduate degree scholarship
  • Valued at $136,000
  • Approximately 2000 applicants Australia wide.
  • 50 applicants shortlisted to attend the interview weekend at ANU during the last school holidays.
  • 25 scholarships are offered each year, equating to 1.5% (approx.) of all applicants.
  • Relocation allowance, an allowance for parents to attend commencement weekend and an allowance to visit home twice per year.
  • A range of opportunities in community engagement, mentorship, networking, camps and scholars community dinners.
  • Live in arrangement – residential hall with shared community spaces for meals for at least the first year.

In my first conversation with Audrey, she made the following remark about this achievement:

“I attribute a great deal of my growth and development as a student and as a person to the influence of St Mary’s College. I am very grateful to everyone at this school who have guided me in recent years”.

There is merit in Audrey’s generous remarks about the College and I thank her for acknowledging it. Her successful application for a Tuckwell reflects deeply on her qualities of intellect, respect, commitment, generosity and hard work. It also reflects on the role her parents Amanda and Tim have played in her upbringing – parents after all are the first and best teachers of their children.

As a graduate of the ANU myself, I recognise the transformational impact that the ANU had on me and still does. I am sure this will now be the case for Audrey.

There are many fabulous students in this school – Audrey is one of them.

I invite all of you to join with me in congratulating Audrey Smart on this remarkable and rare achievement and to share in the pride that we certainly have in her. This is the happiest email I have sent to any school community for some time.

Congratulations Audrey!

Yours Sincerely

Michael Lee OAM
College Principal (Acting)
ANU Graduate 1981
Boon Wurrung Country

Student Voice


Welcome back for Semester 2! Term 3 has started with a bang, with the whole school community showing a remarkable level of enthusiasm to get straight back into school life and studies. The Year 12 students can see the end in sight with Term 3 being the term where all course work will be completed.

Year 12 English students had their oral presentations on Monday and Tuesday. These were done in front of the Unit 3/4 English teachers in the Lecture Theatre on the Presentation Campus, each presentation lasting about 5 minutes each. Although a daunting couple of days, the consensus from the cohort was that they went very well.

Some students commented on their performances after their speech.

“I feel as if I did really well in my speech. I admittedly could’ve done a bit more practice, but I got approving nods throughout the whole presentation!”

“Practice makes perfect.”

“It was interesting how we had a different approach to assessing compared to our usual SACs.”

“Although standing in front of the English teachers was very nerve-racking, presenting my point-of-view about my particular argument was very empowering and I would 100% do it again.”

Well done to everyone who presented their speeches! The whole College has got a big term ahead, with a lot of things to do over the next couple of months. Keep your eye out for upcoming student events across the College!

Spencer Slaney
Prefect of Student Wellbeing

Community Social Event

‘Elvis To The Extreme’ Showcase Extravaganza - Saturday 19 August

We are excited to announce our upcoming social event, ‘Elvis to the Extreme’.

Be mesmerized with the complete package of a stunning, authentic show - including a 9 piece big-band and backing vocalists. With a strong following of fans and enviable reputation as a tribute artist, Marcus Jackson has accomplished worldwide recognition as a respected Elvis Tribute Artist and is Australia’s best 'Elvis' act to date.

St Mary's ELVIS 2023

Saturday 19 August, 7:00pm Doors open for drinks, eating and mingling, 7:30pm Pre-show entertainment, 8:10pm Elvis To The Extreme showcase

BYO Food / Drinks at Bar Prices (due to our licencing permit, this is an over 18yo's event)

  • 'VIP Experience' tables of 10 for $600 per table
  • Individual Seats on tables of up to 10 for $40 per seat Earlybird special ($50 per seat from 1 August)

Book Here Now

Join us for this fantastic evening - wear your best Elvis gear and dancing shoes, if you wish. If you are unavailable and would prefer to give a donation, there is an option on the booking site - all donations to the generous work of our wonderful P&F are greatly appreciated.

There are strictly limited seats for this extravaganza, so contact family and friends to organise your tables ASAP and take advantage of the Earybird special. See promotional flyer or contact Jane Balme at with any queries.

Jane Leroi
Parents & Friends Chairperson

Annual Production

“We’re Off to See the Wizard!”

St. Mary’s proudly presents the timeless classic ‘The Wizard of Oz’ this September.

Set in Kansas at the turn of the twentieth century, this beloved story sees Dorothy and her dog Toto whisked away to the wonderful land of Oz where she meets a host of characters including the Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion and of course, the Wicked Witch of the West!! With memorable songs such as ‘If I Only Had a Brain’, ‘Munchkin Land’ and ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, this production ensures that families of all ages will enjoy their journey through Oz.

Over the last two months, our cast of 34 students and student orchestra have been working tirelessly to ensure our production is a magical experience for all.

Performance dates are 7th, 8th and 9th of September in Logue Hall at Edmund Rice Campus. Tickets will go on sale in early August.

We look forward to following the Yellow Brick Road with you in September!

Brendan Tollit
Drama Co-ordinator

Parents and Friends

P&F Meetings

Earlier this week our community members met for the P&F annual mid-winter online meeting. It was great to see so many families in attendance – as well as our Acting Principal, Michael Lee, and Deputy Principal, Shaun Lancashire. These twice-per-term P&F meetings are a great opportunity for our families to increase community engagement, enhance school/parent partnerships and meet new people. They also provide an opportunity to participate in relevant College discussions and be involved in decision-making. Our College leadership attend and all community members are welcome to join in. The format is usually face to face in the Presentation Campus Boardroom, with also an option to attend these meetings online. These are our P&F Meeting dates left for 2023.

  • Monday 4 September
  • Monday 9 October
  • Monday 20 November

AirPods Raffle

St Mary’s College P&F continue to support the College with some value-add fundraising. This year again we are holding a raffle for popular Apple AirPods (3rd-generation-with-lightning-charging-case, RRP $279). Tickets are 3 for $10, or 1 for $3 and these will be available for purchase by families, student and staff at the Walkathon, at the Presentation Campus Reception, or by contacting our College Community Liaison, Jane Balme, Get in quick, as the raffle will be drawn early June.

Entertainment Guides Available

Entertainment Guides (including interstate options) provide discounts and deals on dining, entertainment, accommodation and travel. They generally pay for themselves within 1-2 uses, making them terrific gifts - and 20% of every sale comes directly to St Mary’s College P&F.

Purchase yours now via this link:

Uniform Shop Openings

A reminder that in Term 3 all students are required to wear the full St Mary’s College Winter uniform. We are fortunate to have two on-site uniform options at St Mary’s College. The P&F Recycled Uniform shop have limited items and the Midford Uniform shop have the full range of the current College uniform.

P&F Recycled Uniform shop:

Edmund Rice Campus, Entrance B. During school terms, the P&F Recycled Uniform shop is run by P&F volunteers – usually from 10:30am-12:30pm, 1-2 Saturday’s per term. Check the College Newsletter for opening dates.

The next scheduled Saturday opening is Sat 5 August 10:30am – 12:00pm

Jane Leroi
Parents & Friends Chairperson

College Uniform


The Midford Uniform Shop is now returning to our regular trading hours

  • Tuesday & Thursday 8am-4pm
  • First Saturday of the month 9am-1pm

The next scheduled Saturday opening is Sat 5 August 9:00am – 1:00pm

The uniform shop now has full suite of St Mary's College Uniform, so it is a great opportunity to update your child's uniform.

The Midford Uniform Shop is located at 11 Westbury Street, St Kilda East 3183

(Entrance D)

Midford uniform shop purchases can also be made at your convenience from their online uniform shop

Use the code SMC2021 and your order will be filled when the store is next open.

Online Uniform Shop

If required, the Midford uniform shop can also be contacted on opening days by calling 9520-8519.

A reminder also that all Midford full-uniform fittings require an appointment, which can be made by clicking the link below.

Midford Uniform Fitting Booking

Midford Price List

P&F College Uniform Shop

Edmund Rice Campus, Entrance B. During school terms, the P&F Recycled Uniform shop is run by P&F volunteers – usually from 10:30am-12:30pm (please note these revised hours) on the first Saturday of the month.

The P&F Recycled Uniform shop have limited items only.

Fortnight In Photos

2023 Lumina Edition 10 - 21 Jul 2023

Refugee Week

Kate Johnston

Director of Identity


Finding Freedom

St Mary’s College acknowledged Refugee Week from June 18 to 24. The theme for 2023 was ‘Finding Freedom’, encouraging us to think about what it means to be free, something most of us in our community take for granted when we consider the difficult conditions many people around the world face on a daily basis.

As a smaller school, it can be difficult to think of how our actions can make an impact on the community, but running activities to celebrate the week such as the Circle of Silence, allows us to pause and reflect on the challenges faced by refugees, and think about what we can do to help them.

The Circle of Silence ran for 15 minutes under the sails on the Edmund Rice Campus, with both staff and students from a number of Year Levels taking part in the circle, holding signs created by students with messages in support of refugees.

Thank you to those who took part in the Circle of Silence and to the entire College community for their support of Refugee Week.

Raj Johnston
College Co Captain
