St Mary’s College prides itself in being a safe, co-educational school where students thrive and feel a strong sense of belonging. The size of our school enables each student to be known in our community. Our Pastoral Care Team adopts a holistic approach to student wellbeing, instilling a culture of care and respect in our young people. We guide and support your child to realise and develop their strengths. Relationships between the student, family and Pastoral Care Teacher provide a grounding foundation for students, fostering their wellbeing, confidence, sense of self and excitement for their future.



Belonging – Being known in our welcoming, safe and inclusive community

Care – Compassion and support from teachers, embedded in our culture

Positive Relationships – Respectful relationships that reinforce students’ self-worth and inherent dignity

Focus on Strengths – A culture where students are encouraged to use their strengths to realise their potential

Student Voice– Students are empowered to have an active voice in College life


Upon joining St Mary’s College, your child will meet every morning in their Pastoral Class. Their Pastoral Teacher develops a strong and supportive relationship with your child and is the person at the College who provides a daily check-in point for their wellbeing.

Additionally, every teacher at St Mary’s College is an active contributor to the wellbeing of students. Students have many avenues to discuss their concerns, with a formalised structure of wellbeing, including our Student Counsellor Catherine Mc Mahon, available on site to all students to directly contact.



We are committed to providing an environment where all people feel safe, valued and respected. The Respectful Relationships Whole School Approach, with its focus on rights, responsibilities and resilience, is a notable way in which we seek to achieve a positive, respectful environment for our students. Further, our pastoral program is informed by the teaching and learning strategies housed in the Respectful Relationships Program, thus ensuring contemporary and engaging lessons for our students. Finally, by being part of the Respectful Relationships Network, we are able to share resources and ideas with like-minded educational institutions, thus allowing for best practice in this area.


St Mary's College is proactive in providing a cybersafe environment at school. Our approach to cybersafety promotes good online habits as we partner with parents to educate our students to become good digital citizens.


Respect, Justice, Compassion, Inclusivity and Courage are the values imbedded in our culture. We see our students live these values in their interactions with each other and in the broader College community. At St Mary’s College, our students are given the opportunity to become leaders, exercising their student voice, being active contributors to the student community and beyond the College.

Students at all year levels are encouraged to become a leader in our Student Representative Council or Student Voice Committee. Our Year 10 Campus Leadership Structure, Sports Leadership Academy and Senior Prefect Team provide opportunities for students to be positive role models who make difference to others.

Talk & Tour Mornings

Join us for a 90-minute Talk and Tour morning at St Mary's College! Experience our vibrant school community firsthand with guided tours led by our enthusiastic student ambassadors. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore our facilities, learn about our programs, and get a feel for student life at St Mary's College. You'll also have the chance to meet our Principal, Mr. Darren Atkinson, and ask any questions you may have about our school.

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you all that St Mary's College has to offer!

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