Lumina Edition 1 2025
Welcome to our first edition of Lumina for 2025. We’ve returned to a spate of hot weather and a positive energy about an exciting year ahead. Welcome especially, to those new to our community. Our Year 7 class of 2025 and the 20+ students who join us at other year levels. We hope that you have experienced the hospitality that we boast as one of our fine attributes. Term 1 is busy, so please keep your eye on our calendar in PAM and in Lumina, so that you do not miss out on the opportunities to be involved.
Opening School Liturgy and Prefect Investiture
On Tuesday morning we gathered in Logue Hall for liturgy to commence our new year. Father Jerome spoke to the community about the readings and how they directed us towards the need to make decisions about what was important in our lives. In a world where everyone is seeking our attention, Father Jerome reminded us that not all those wanting our attention are interested in our growth and wellbeing, but St Mary’s is! It was a powerful homily and our young people listened intently. Our Prefects were also commissioned, blessed, and presented with badges, and I congratulate each on their willingness to commit to the service of their peers and the College community. We invite the parents and carers of our Prefects to a special family night in a couple of weeks.
Year 7 Welcome Mass and Family Night
We welcomed our Year 7 students and their families to Mass on Thursday night in the beautiful St Mary’s Church. It was a pleasure to be able to meet several families during the evening to hear something of their aspirations for their young person and to introduce them to their Pastoral Care teacher. Our youngest community members have also had the benefit of a team of Transition Assistants, selected from last year's graduates, to guide them as they navigate the first weeks of secondary school. It is pleasing to hear that most have settled quickly into secondary school and are looking forward to their Year 7 Camp next week.
Understanding Our Pastoral Chain
Each of our students is supported by a pastoral chain and, as we start a new year, it is timely to discuss the make-up of this team and their role. As is often the case, some etymology of the term “pastoral” helps in describing the role. Pastoral relates to the land and, more specifically, to the grazing of animals. In scripture, there are many references to shepherds minding their flocks and the role of the shepherd was to keep their sheep safe from harm, find them nourishment and to ensure that they did not stray. Jesus calls himself The Good Shepherd in John’s gospel.
Our pastoral chains are comprised of:
Classroom Teacher → Pastoral Care Teacher (20-25 students) → Year Level Leader (60-90 students) → Director of Students (Jen Howard) → Deputy Principal (Shaun Lancashire).
Each level supports the one below and acts as a point of escalation when appropriate. Our Behavioural Tracking system notifies those in the pastoral chain automatically when a concern is lodged. It is important that you bring any wellbeing concerns to the attention of the Pastoral Care Teacher as soon as they become apparent as early intervention is important to good outcomes.
Talk and Tours
We conduct a Talk and Tour each week and our first for 2025 was on Wednesday. The tours are conducted by student ambassadors and the feedback that we receive is always glowing about our young people and the pride that they display when talking about their school. It is important that prospective families get to hear about our school from our students as this adds a human face to what is otherwise bricks and mortar. Similarly, your recommendation is incredibly powerful in raising awareness of what we are offering and bringing us to the attention of those seeking Catholic co-education for their children.
School Uniform
Thank you for your efforts to help ensure that your young person is wearing the correct St Mary’s College uniform as they return to school. The improvement in already noticeable and the public display of pride in our unique St Mary’s identity is a key indicator of a culture of high expectations, something that I know you value. We are aware of supply chain issues and a shortage of boys’ shirts in a couple of sizes especially. Thank you for your patience as Midford addresses this matter. A uniform brochure can be found on our website for further information: https://www.stmaryscollege.vic...
Parents and Friends
Finally, our P&F met on Monday night, and outlined a rich plan of activities to connect families with the College during 2025. You will hear more about these events as the year progresses and we hope that you are able to participate.
Official Opening of McCartney Redevelopment
We will welcome Mr Josh Burns, Member for Macnamara, and Bishop Tony Ireland, Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Melbourne, to officially open and bless our most recent capital project on February 20. On this date, students will commence with an assembly in Logue Hall so that they can witness the unveiling of the plaque to commemorate this highly valued redevelopment project and hear from our special guests. After assembly, students will return to classes as normal.