St Mary’s College is committed to providing a caring, supportive and safe environment where every student has a place, a voice and their story is known. As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, our Christian values are those expressed in the Touchstones of our governing body, Edmund Rice Education Australia Victorian Schools Limited (EREA VSL): Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity. The charism of Blessed Edmund Rice expressed through these touchstones, underpins our continued commitment to a safe and inclusive environment for all, providing a preferential option to those at the margins, to grow in empathy and to respond in faith and action.

The College, together with EREA VSL, have developed a range of policies and procedures which ensure the safety and wellbeing of students whilst maximising their learning opportunities. Key College policies are available below, with further policies available via our College Parent and Student portals, or by contacting us.

St Mary’s College is an Edmund Rice Education Australia Victorian Schools Limited (EREA VSL) governed school and as such, complies with EREA VSL policies.